Mom & Pop Companies Fight Back

Grovo is an online education and training platform that helps people find and use sites, and helps sites reach and educate users. Grovo is the field guide to the Internet

“In the early 1990’s and 2000’s small mom and pop stores were getting knocked out by the large corporations such as Walmart, Home Depot, and so on. One big reason for this was because the big corporations were the only ones that could afford the technologies to lets say, manage their tasks and projects via software they had customized by a MIT graduate. They were also then able to pay consultants to come in and teach their organization on how to use this new software, this type of consultancy is named Online Training. This combination leads to fast growth, swiftly. In the 21st century, the technology has finally reached an equilibrium level that allows mom and pop stores to fight back by using web 2.0 and application technology like Google Apps Training.


Cost EffectiveProductivity Creation

Micro businesses are able to pay for a software as a service (SAAS) from a provider such as Google Apps, which allows business to use Google products under their own domain. Small companies can afford the small fee of $100.00 a year to organize themselves and become more efficient. By using Google Apps, or the equivalent of another website online, small business can boost their productivity by as much as 50-60% similarly to the corporations.

Utilizing Software:

E-consultancy Company: A company that created premium content for online learning for an entire company to utilize web 2.0 applications.

Being able to buy the proper software license is only half the battle, anyone can buy software. Allowing your entire company to understand how to use this new software is just as important. A company can have all the tools in the world to get a job done, but if they do not have the technological knowledge of how to operate those tools, the acquisition of the tools are counter productive. After all, that is why there are many different consultant groups out there making tons of money on educating these corporations. Amazingly, two major developments have happened in a short time; software that makes a company more efficient at an affordable price became obtainable, so has the online training to learn the software quickly, also at an affordable price. These brand new firms coined ‘e-consultant companies’ provide remarkable and informative online training videos on how to use internet sites such as Basecamp, Google Apps, Google Analytics and so on.

Something for everyone:

If your company just so happens to be a small or medium sized business, I suggest checking out a few online learning websites, and browse their selection. Chances are, there are awesome software that will turn your small business into a corporation one day!

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