Nikola Tesla Free Energy Generators

Tesla made numerous scientific findings, with a concentration in electrical breakthroughs. The advancement and implementation of alternating current was his most significant contribution to electricity. Alternating current makes our current lifestyle possible, as it allows us to broadcast power signals over long distances.

He spent the last half of his life dedicated to studying zero point technology. He was absolutely convinced that there was no need to generate electricity from fossil fuels or renewables and that it could be obtained from elsewhere, unlimited and for free. He called this “radiant energy.”

Zero point occupies an area of science known as “fringe physics”. Tesla believed that one did not have to resort to obtaining energy from fuel, that it could be derived from all around us. In fact, he came up with this idea before he had even patented the work for which he is most famous such as the motor, the generator and the transformer.

Tesla published his work but if you were to look at it today, you’d be extremely hard pushed to make head or tail of it, let alone come up with a device that will actually work in your own home. Luckily, several pioneers have worked hard and collaborated on Tesla’s work over the years.

Today, you can benefit from the many thousands of hours of development and make your own device at home. Don’t bother waiting for a commercial device to purchase because they are estimated to be at least five years away from release. Luckily, the fuelless generator is an extremely simple concept.

Tesla first looked into the area of zero point technology in his early years, before he made his more commonly known discoveries in the area of alternating current electricity.

The Nikola Tesla generator can very easily be said to be one of the best in the market. This is because aside from the fact that you get to save money, this energy is renewable and safe. In the production of energy, the process is continuous therefore making the generator very reliable. There is no catch to this. You will be able to use all the energy that you may want but at the same time you will save the environment. No one wants to go to bed and be haunted with the way they have polluted the environment. This is the best way for you to go to bed and be at peace.

The good news is that you can already create a small-scale domestic device today. You cannot buy one but you can build one yourself from a few basic parts – you need only make a rotor, configure some magnets and do some basic electrical wiring.

Don’t delay though because who knows how long the blueprints for the Nikola Tesla free energy generator will be available?

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