Importance of your hearing to other areas of health and wellbeing

Being able to hear is an important thing, and many people take their hearing for granted. Many also don’t realise how much of an impact hearing loss can have on other areas of their lives, health and wellbeing, and unfortunately they may not take adequate steps to protect their ears. Here are some serious health and social impacts of impaired hearing.

• Dementia – Recent research in the US has shown that seniors with hearing loss are much more likely to develop dementia than those without hearing loss. Although the exact cause for this link is still unknown, it tells scientists more about the deeper underlying effects and causes of hearing problems.

• Social and psychological health and happiness – It is well documented that hearing loss often severely affects people’s social relationships and interactions with others. In fact deafness is often considered to be more of a social barrier than blindness. Trouble hearing and communicating with people may lead to social isolation, relationship breakdowns, depression and low self-esteem for many people with hearing loss.

• Accidents – People with severe hearing loss maybe be less able to hear traffic and other dangers around them in day to day life. They may be less aware of what’s going on around them, making it difficult to get out of harm’s way if danger is present. While many people adjust well to identifying dangers, many still struggle and around 26 countries don’t allow deaf people to hold a driver’s license.

With this being said, those who have hearing impairments are often extremely good at adapting to their environment in order to live full, enriching lives, often with the help of a hearing aid or hearing implant. Many are extremely successful in work and social relationships, and are able to even help educate others on the importance of looking after your hearing to avoid preventable hearing loss

To learn more about deafness, the health effects of hearing loss and the various resources that are available for individuals that are hearing impaired, visit

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