Quick Caravan Insurance – A Guiding Light for Static Caravan Owners

You don’t have to have caravan insurance – but you should. Anyone who has ever lived in or used a static caravan will know that the prospect of paying for repairs without the proper insurance can be daunting, to say the least. Getting hold of proper static caravan insurance is paramount to the long lasting benefits of your investment – and can make the difference between your worrying all the time about a holiday home you can’t check on a daily basis, and your being happy to just visit on holiday whenever the mood takes you.

Some caravan insurance companies (like the excellent NACO Services, which is an integral part of the National Association of Caravan Owners) are now providing quick static insurance for their clients – which means you can redress a non insurance situation in as little as 10 minutes. That’s ideal for quashing those holiday worries once and for all. All you have to do is go online, get yourself a quote and fill out the necessary details. You could be completely insured in less than 10 minutes from the time you first clicked “get quote”.

Static caravan insurance is designed to protect caravan owners from the numerous vicissitudes that come with owning a weather sensitive home that could be located miles from their daily abode. By its very nature, a static caravan or holiday home (in the trade the names are interchangeable) is out of your sight – you have it kept at a holiday park somewhere near the sea, or the hills, or wherever you like to go on holiday, which is usually a long way away from where you live.

Caravan insurance has built in protection against things that may have gone wrong at any point between when you last visited your caravan and the time the fault is discovered. Static caravan insurance, then, is best bought from companies that have a proper working interest in, and knowledge of, the life and lifestyle of a caravan owner. There are special circumstances in caravan ownership that need to be valued by an actuary with knowledge of the caravanning life – otherwise you end up paying too much for your cover.

For example – your holiday home is likely either to be left untouched and unguarded, or occupied by people other than you, for a large part of the year. Damage sustained when you are not there has to be protected in your caravan insurance policy – but it has to be protected in such a way that your premiums are reasonable and sustainable. It’s only really companies that have involvement with caravans themselves that are able to understand this and structure the premiums for a static caravan insurance policy in the correct manner.

It’s really the same story as you would get with any kind of specialty cover. Go for a company that has a proper history with the product you need to insure, and you are guaranteed to get a better deal. Caravan insurance is no exception to that rule.

Author Bio:

NACO provides caravan insurance and static caravans. It also gives advice and guidance on caravan ownership, insurance quotes, static caravan insurance and holiday caravans home information. NACO membership magazine gives industry news and information related to holiday caravan ownership issues.

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