How to be the most desirable job candidate

The legal job market is competitive. By nature, most lawyers are ambitious and want to be at the top of their field. But with strict qualifications that all lawyers must meet, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd purely through academics. Rather, it’s a lawyer’s experience, personality and motivation that is likely to make one lawyer a more desirable candidate than another. If you’re looking to expand your legal career, then here’s some advice on how to make yourself the most desirable job candidate.

First impressions. From the moment your resume hits a prospective employer’s desk until you’ve officially secured the job, it’s vital to make continual good impressions. The most effective resumes are concise and clear, but also manage to convey a bit of personality. In face to face meetings, there are a few standards must-dos. Be punctual, dress well, be confidant and friendly and most importantly, be prepared!

Commercial awareness – this is a crucial skill you need to display to potential employers. While still studying try to gain some commercial experience in other industries so you can offer a depth of understanding of business. Further into your career, you need to display awareness into how your work can develop the profitability of the business, be it for a private practice or in house position.

Good people skills. You might be the smartest and most accomplished lawyer on paper, but if you can’t communicate that to your clients or your prospective employers, your intelligence and skill can be wasted. Once you’re in job-seeking mode, work on perfecting your people and communication skills. Fostering lasting and strong relationships with your clients, associates, and co-workers in the legal industry will give you a leg-up when it comes to seeking a new position or role.

Be bold! The legal industry is conventional and traditional, but sometimes it might be worth taking risks when it comes to the job-seeking process. Digital and video resumes, for example will set you apart from other candidates, and allow your resume to clearly convey your personality and charisma. (Just think of Elle Woods and her video application to Harvard Law School in Legally Blonde!) Get involved in social media through avenues such as linkedin groups, twitter and blogs to help increase your profile in the industry.

Don’t wait for job openings. Be proactive. Research companies and law firms that you are interested in working for, and contact them stating your interest, if possible use personal contacts for introductions. Even if they don’t have any job openings, this will set you apart as a confident and motivated candidate, and keep you fresh in their minds when a role does arise.
Whether you’re looking for environmental, banking and finance or corporate law jobs, consider ways to position yourself as a unique candidate that stands out from the crowd.

What will you do to assert yourself as a job candidate?

When it comes to legal careers, competition is high and uniqueness and distinctiveness are the keys to success.

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