Amazing energy-saving technology in China LCD TV CES main hall-TCL, LCD TV, CES Show – HC Network Appliance Industry-hc360

Exhibition of environmental protection to become the focus of CES

HC Network
41 sessions of high-profile U.S.
Show (CES) in Las Vegas came to a close just as the world's most influential Consumer Electronics Show, the CES exhibition,
With natural light
And other world-class technology and products
Sony and other international giants same stage as the only one to enter the main hall of the Chinese enterprises, especially in the global flat-panel TVs up to 50% energy saving over the TCL natural light technology shock CES exhibition, drawn the attention of consumers and industry experts, attention and great interest. The Consumer Electronics Association CEO GaryShapiro said, "This could improve our
, Work and play method, but also to provide the industry with a positive measures to cope with the environment. Consumer electronics is a part of energy conservation programs, so let our next generation will inherit a healthy planet. "


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As countries around the world increasingly attach importance to energy saving, the CES exhibition for the first time a "green" as the annual theme, and specifically the establishment of a "sustainable technology exhibition", the major manufacturers have introduced a new brilliant green environmental products and technologies developed in Japan by Fujitsu
Made of green
Such as the Samsung display screen using the O
Technology, low-power television, and so on. The TCL LCD TV for its natural light from the fundamental solution to the world of high energy consumption of flat-panel TVs, to be entered once as Microsoft, Sony, Samsung and other international giants monopolize the CES main exhibition hall.
According to the National Flat Panel Display
special group of experts, TCL Industrial Research Institute Dr. Yan Xiaolin introduced LCD TVs in general play a large area even in the high-brightness screen, high brightness remains constant. Not only energy consumption, on the human eye is also a great stimulus. TCL own use
Intellectual property rights
The natural light technology, the LCD TV can automatically adjust the screen brightness, high brightness screen when playing when the screen automatically reduces brightness, so that not only displays energy consumption by more than half, and improved static and dynamic contrast ratio and image quality the same time, people can effectively reduce the viewing eye fatigue.

Present, LCD TV-based
Big screen
Flat-panel TVs are quickly spread worldwide. The CES show, 58-inch, 150-inch wide-screen TVs there competing concepts for the global flat panel television screens toward the direction of a greater trend, but the resulting power consumption continues to climb. According to report, 29 inches, 34 inches of traditional CRT
And 37-inch LCD TV, 42-inch
TV power, respectively, 150 watts, 160 watts, 200 watts and 350 watts. Long-term concern about the issue of China's color TV energy saving Tie-nan, director, director of product certification to reporters forget document stated: "only in accordance with 07 Chinese families the number of new LCD TVs in China over the next year would consume 2.33 billion kWh, equivalent to a few large-scale thermal power plants in total generation capacity. "If the world over, brought by the new popularity of flat-panel TV demand for energy is even greater.

Flat screen TV's biggest energy consumption in the backlight.
LCD screen
Itself does not light, mainly depend on
Backlight device
Light. If you do not start with improving the technology from the backlight, it will not fundamentally solve the issue of high energy consumption of LCD TVs. But now, in addition to TCL natural light technology, the vast majority of foreign firms to stay in improving
Power supply
Control stage, not from
Solve the energy level to the fundamental problem. Because of this, the internationally renowned show expert, President of the International Society for Information Display TCL natural light techniques learned very excited that the TCL break the flat TV world energy consumption problem, "the action from the TCL, we see the world of Chinese enterprises consumer responsibility, they have come in energy-saving environmental protection industry in the forefront. "

CES exhibition organized by the Consumer Electronics Association, after nearly half a century of development, has become the world's largest, highest and most influential Consumer Electronics Show, is recognized as the international consumer electronics, "weathervane . " The CES is the main exhibition hall of its prominent position, requested space in the company's products and technologies to the world with outstanding consumer electronics industry, which mainly Microsoft, Sony and Samsung have swept the international giants, is considered the world's most strong consumer electronics brand clubs. The industry believes that the TCL to enter the main hall completely broke this pattern, marking the Chinese consumer electronics company has grown from manufacturing industry chain link into the middle and lower reaches of the chain link in the upper reaches of the key technology research and development.

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