Best Treatment For Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief – 3 Steps Plan To Ease The Pain!
Want to know what is the best treatment for sciatic nerve pain relief? Although there are a lot of medical and also homeopathic options, I want to share with you a 3 step plan to ease the pain quickly so you will finally be able to get up from the bed in the morning without that pain that strikes right down the leg like a lightning. The plan is simple to apply and works great. Let’s start!
The first thing you want to do to relive the pain is to loosen the tightened muscles around the sciatic nerve that put a lot of pressure on it and cause inflammation and pain. The best way to loosen the muscles is to give them a nice, slow massage. You can do it even right now – just massage the muscles around the affected area slowly. Massage helps to get rid of all the toxics in the muscles and also helps with the blood circulation in it – that’s why it will loosen it quickly!
The second step in relieving the pain is the reduction of inflammation that was created by the pressure on the sciatic nerve. There are few essential oils that have the right anti inflammatory qualities to help in your case. Geranium, chamomile and evening primrose essential oils are exactly what you need. Make yourself a hot bath with few drops of one of these oils and just lie there and relax. The oils will get into the skin and help to reduce the inflammation in the area.
The third step would be to put a horse radish compress on the place. Making it is very simple – grate a horse radish root, take an old cloth and make a compress. Hold it on for 20 minutes maximum and that’s it.
All these 3 steps have to be done in one day and more then once if needed. They will help you to ease the sciatica pain quickly and also reduce the symptoms of sciatica!
These methods work great as
sciatica pain
relief but not as a constant cure. Discover how I
cured sciatica
in less then 2 weeks!