A Way To Re-ignite Romance With Your Ex
It may be cause for regret, but your romantic liaison broke-up a few weeks ago. Initially you were upset but, as as time stretches away from that unhappy event, you eventually make your way through the emotional mire and you are beginning to think about the bright, new future with partners yet to be discovered.
Only, some people suffer, never actually quite reaching this stage. They find it almost impossible to detach themselves from their ex emotionally, even if the physical relationship has ceased.
If you are in this category you will find yourself forever daydreaming about your ex and contemplating if they are thinking about you in a similar manner. You will replay in your mind, again and again, the reasons your ex gave for breaking-up from you. You will find yourself absently trying to balance the scales and pondering how things could have possibly alternatively evolved.
And, so it goes on, day after day.
This is a normal reaction for someone who finds themselves cast aside from a romance that they did not want to finish.
If you recognise the symptoms, there is only one way to escape from those I have to get my ex back thoughts that are dominating your daily routine.
So, in these circumstances, what should you do?
Firstly, leave it at least a month to see how you feel after a time for reflection. It is surprising, but many a case of a lost romances that “should have been” and pangs of yearning can be healed with the passage of a short interlude.
If, however, after six weeks or more you still have not resurrected yourself from your initial post break-up mood, then you could do no worse that to attempt to communicate your ex.
If your the parting of way from your ex was in an amicable manner then you could send them a cell phone text direct to your lost lover’s cell phone. If you do this, keep it succinct, make sure it is to the point and make sure it is friendly. A message of the sort: “Hi, how you doing? I’m doing fine. Would you like to meet for a chat? If not, no problems. Take care and best wishes.”
If your relationship termination from your ex occurred after a shouting match then it is best to proceed with the help of a mutual acquaintance or an understanding person from ex’s family. Ask they to convey your message, by word of mouth, in a similar vein.
If your lost lover does not to respond to this message then you really should not barrage them with a salvo of subsequent texts or messages.
If you former lover responds with nice words but declines your invitation then they obviously still harbor a modicum of care toward you. This is a tricky awkward scenario because whilst they may have lingering feelings toward you that does not portray that they wish to re-engage the romance that once flourished .
However, if you lost lover replies in the affirmative then arrange to get together somewhere public to enjoy a chat. One mistake many people make in these cases is to presume that romance is naturally back on track and that you can promptly resume as if nothing untoward has occurred.
You cannot.
Your former lover originally decided to move on for a reason.
Approach any meeting as you would any other initial date. It is nothing more than a social encounter for both of you to learn a little about one another. Do not start rehashing your past times together, that would be a mistake. Rather, endeavour to keep the topic of conversation forward looking. If your former lover wants to monopolise the discussion, then let them – employ the commendable tactic of being a good listener.
At some time during the chat you may pick up the vibe that your ex is regretting the split, even if it is with less emotion than you feel.
If you are picking up good vibrations, then remain a little aloof. Engage in a little come-on tactics – but, make sure you do not over play your hand. Attempt to reflect the carefree, bubbling, confident side of your personality. If romance is to be brought back into bloom, your former lover will not only have to fall for you again but they will also likely need to see some fresh or amended facet of your personality to aid them get over the reason why they broke-up from you in the first place.
A reoccurring error that many people fall into to is to repeatedly reiterate to their ex that they still need them, and feel empty without them, and that they will always have loving desires to be with them, and that they cannot go on without them, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. If you feel you have to, explain this to your ex this a single time, and a single time only. Do not worry, your sentiments will lodge in their mind. They have heard your feelings. listening to the very same words incessantly will not endear your ex toward you – if anything, it will serve to prompt an opposite reaction.
If you make it this far, then go on carefully, as if this is a totally new relationship. A new romance. A fresh chance to uncover that special someone.
Enjoy all the joy that life delivers and “good luck”.
If your best efforts do not conclude successfully then it is not necessarily the end, but do not unleash your ex with messages. You are in danger of annoying them and this will lead to nothing but resentment and distrust. On the contrary, if you unfortunate enough to drop into this situation, and you really feel the need to undertake further actions to secure your former lover’s affections, then you definitely need some good advice from an independent person.
Advice can lead you in a beneficial path to tread and sound advice will definitely produce a positive result – be it a re-ignition of the romance, or by empowering you with the insight to bring closure to a joyful episode in your life with the confidence to look forward to better and more rewarding new pastures.
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Robert James BSc(Hons) helped design a helpful relationship advice blog that deals with relationship failures and the feeling of loss. Alex, the creator of the blog had the misfortune of breaking-up with their long-term love and retells the events that lead to a fruitful conclusion of getting back my ex Reference: http://www.back-ex.com/