How to Tell if Your Louis Vuitton is Fake

Everyone loves to own a designer handbag and Louis Vuitton. It is a matter of pride for the owner and the envy of others who do not have one. Since the prices are really, really outrageous, it is not possible for anyone and everyone to own an authentic Louis Vuitton. So how can you spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag and know if your friend is smarter just a show of false? Want to learn how to spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag and find out if the gift she received from her cousin in Paris is authentic? I’m sure you do, so I’m going down to details, without having much of his time.

The first and most important thing I’ve been shaking on the price. Prices are sky of an original Louis Vuitton and if you have a bag too good to be true prices, is a fake. You can go through hitting cheap designer handbags for more information.

An important feature of Louis Vuitton handbags is sewing. Louis Vuitton bags are stitched perfectly and never open for years. There are no loose ends and no points out of place.

The interiors of the authentic Louis Vuitton handbags are lined with red fabric or color of honey. The interiors are made of micro monogram canvas, microfiber cloth, cross grain leather or tone on tone polyester. If the bag is full of such flights or brown cloth or plastic, whether it is a fake. Go through cheap designer handbags for more information.

Metal hardware
The metal hardware of the original Louis Vuitton bag is made of brass or gold metal. The zippers are printed with “LV” letters. If you find plastic or gold plated metal and zippers do not have the LV “printed record in them, are to spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag.

One important topic to identify a fake Louis Vuitton bag is the monogram. The original monogrammed Louis Vuitton bag is placed with care. They are symmetrical from all sides and are clearly printed in gold letters brown that passes for “BT.” They are solid colored, stained, cut, or have a greenish tint. They are perfectly threaded, thin and placed in the bag needs. In some original Louis Vuitton bags, the logo is placed upside down on one side. Handbag, you have the logos of both sides in a vertical position.

Handles and hardware
Most Louis Vuitton bags have handles made of genuine rolled cowhide. If your bag comes with handles wrapped in plastic bubble or is a fake. More information about designer handbags for less money.

No tags attached to the original Louis Vuitton bags. Tags are placed in the bag or dust bag. So how to spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag? The label affixed to the bag are a dead give away is a forgery.

Spotting a fake Louis Vuitton bag is easy if you can not find the design of the bag on the website. If you can not find the style in the Louis Vuitton website, the bag is a complete fraud. There are new designs released each season, so be sure to keep up with the latest styles.

Ask Mark
How can you spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag of “Made in the brand? The authentic Louis Vuitton handbags are made in France. However, Louis Vuitton is the production of bags in the U.S., Germany, Italy and Spain. If you find a mark as’ Made in China “or” Made in Chile “, for example, is a complete fraud. Louis Vuitton bags do not occur anywhere else than these countries, it is likely that this is fake designer handbags.

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