Song Kun Gang: From crisis to confidence in China's dairy industry – dairy products, milk – Food Industry

2008 years in China Dairy Thrilling year, melamine incident has the reputation of the entire industry suffered a serious crisis, a sharp decline in the domestic market, almost all enterprises fall into extreme distress. October 3, 2008, that after the incident, the first 22 days, according to the country in 25 provinces and autonomous regions of 501 business statistics, shutdowns 168, cut-off rate was 34%, and 9 before the incident 10 months compared to 12% decline in the acquisition of fresh milk, pour milk business day of 4829 tons, liquid dairy products decreased by 42%, milk production increased by 11%, the day of liquid dairy production and marketing rate of 75.2%. 2008 1? In December, the national scale enterprises Dairy products Yield increase compared with the same period last year -0.50% -3.63% of which liquid dairies now up. Negative growth in dairy output has reached 15 provinces and autonomous regions, the main producing areas of North China 5 provinces and autonomous regions are negative growth, which dropped from 25.8% in Hebei Province was -11.06%. Sanlu milk powder Incident to the Chinese dairy industry in the world, causing very bad influence, exports stopped abruptly. 2008 1? September, China's export amounted to 57,500 tons milk powder, which exported 15,000 tons in September, but 10 were exported only 48 tons, 2,018 tons exported in November, with the same period rose -65.81% December exports of 4,242 tons, an increase of -38.05%.

This incident as a "major Food Safety Accidents ", causing serious consequences and enormous economic loss to the country started a response. The type of view from the accident, melamine incident was" non-traditional food security issue "is artificial, deliberately by the addition of poisonous and harmful substances manufacture of food safety incidents. This issue of food safety is generally more subtle, irregular, high-tech, unexpected features. According to the traditional test items (environmental pollution, heavy metals, pesticide residue, veterinary drug residues, pathogenic microorganisms etc.) and monitoring system more difficult to prevent such problems. melamine contamination direct cause of the incident, is lack of milk quality control, Raw material Milk acquisition disorder caused by the disorder. However, the melamine contamination incident is not isolated accident, but the development of China's dairy industry over the years disharmony, irregularity, caused by unscientific, is not a long time to resolve the contradictions caused. Lesson is, the cost is high. To fundamentally solve the food security of such similar incidents of melamine, comprehensive measures must be taken, from the sound regulations and policies, to regulate the industry and consolidation; enterprises to strengthen management of loopholes, establish security networks; on practitioners to strengthen the rule of law Education , Professional ethics, social responsibility education; regulators to strengthen supervision and inspection, crack down on crime, do the work in four areas.

Song Kungang president is doing the report ( HC food industry network With map)

A government regulators to develop regulations and policies, the industry consolidation of norms:

Melamine incident, the State Council and relevant departments quickly developed a series of laws, regulations, policies, milk collection station on the rectification of the order to regulate milk collection consolidation, consolidation of processing enterprises. These policies include:

1,2008 on October 9, the State Council issued the "dairy quality and safety supervision and management regulations," clearly the regulatory division of responsibilities. Ordinance, animal husbandry and veterinary departments are responsible for dairy farming and milk production links students to acquire part of the supervision and management; industry authorities to strengthen the management of the dairy industry; quality control department is responsible for import and export dairy products, production processes and the supervision and management; Business Administration department is responsible for dairy products Sell Part of the supervision and management; health department is responsible for quality and safety of dairy products, comprehensive coordination of supervision and management, food safety accident investigation organization, to develop national standards for quality and safety. Clear dairy enterprises in terms of quality and safety responsibilities.

2,2008 10 18, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State Administration of Quality Supervision, SAIC issued a "work of rectifying and standardizing the dairy industry program," launched a nationwide six-month dairy products the work of rectifying and standardizing the industry.

3,2008 10 30, State Administration for Industry and the Ministry of Agriculture issued a "raw and fresh milk purchase and sales contracts (demonstration version)", requires the use of raw and fresh milk purchasing uniform contracts, specifically raw and fresh milk transaction quantity, quality, price, valuation standards and breach of contract responsibility.

4,2008 on November 7, the State Council transmitted the Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology established in 13 ministries, "Milk Program for reorganization and revitalization." Outline to build modern milk industry to the overall goal, to comprehensively strengthen the quality management and system construction as the core, in order to rectify the milk stations and dairy producers, standard culture-focused, and strive to create a new situation in dairy development, and promote the food industry the quality and safety and regulatory standards overall.

5,2008 on November 7, the Ministry of Agriculture issued a "buy raw and fresh milk production management approach" to regulate the raw milk production, acquisition, storage, transport, sale of activities, raw and fresh milk collection stations, transport vehicles permit.

6,2008 11 months to March this year, Ministry of Agriculture, raw and fresh milk collection stations across the country to clean up and rectification work on the national screening of 20 393 milk stations, shut down milk station 3908, to retain milk after cleaning station 16 485 were all included in the regulation of the stations and monitoring the implementation.

7, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology under the "dairy quality and safety supervision and management regulations," the State Development and Reform Commission organized in March 2008, May issued the "dairy processing industry access," "dairy industry industrial policy, "a joint amendment to further increase trade barriers to entry. The revised document was officially released in June.

8,2009 on February 28, "The People's Republic of China Food Safety Law" released on June 1 formally. "Food Safety Law" to define food safety supervision and management, food safety standards to implement the basic principles of quality and safety requirements of food production operations.

9,2009 on March 27, the Ministry of Agriculture issued the "raw and fresh milk collection stations Standardization Administration of technical specifications." Milk collection stations on the basis of health facilities, mechanical equipment, quality control, personnel requirements, operating norms, management systems, health conditions and make specific provisions.

10, the Ministry of Health standards organizations to clean up dairy products, and started to develop national standards for quality and safety work. The quality and safety standards for dairy work, to be formed of 96 dairy quality and safety standards, including: 15 Product Standard

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