Make huge piles of money utilizing Facebook – My best Pointers
Apart from for Google, Facebook is the website with the largest source of traffic on the webtoday. Facebook subscribers lately passed the 500 million mark. This means that there are half a billion people on facebook that could potentially make you profits. I am going to tell you my 5 best ways to direct well-quality traffic and make money on the net with facebook. Let’s get started.
Posting status updates works well. Every time you post a status update, all of your friends see it. So if you had a website or an offer you want to generate traffic to, you just post a status update containing a link to your offer or website and lots of your friends will click on it. Just think how many people will be able to click on your links if you had a friends list of thousands. You can make a lot of money just doing this every few hours.
One can create groups. Producing a facebook group about your offer or website can potentially make you a lot of money. Create a group, get loads of members and you have your own list of leads. You could possibly mass message them as often as you want. You can transmit messages promoting your products and your sites. If you create value on your groups you can build a good relationship and make good money on Facebook.
Create long term wealth with Facebook fanpages. Almost like facebook groups, you can create fan pages for a business or for any topic that you think other people would like. After this you only need to get loads of fans for your page and then the sky is limit on how you want to make money with your page. This can also contain links to your products and websites, so you can build a lot of traffic this way. Fan pages also let you insert website code, so you can build your list or get people to your products on your fan page.
Try Facebook ads for instant cash. Facebook ads are almost like Google ads, but a lot better. You can pay facebook for displaying your ads. You can pay for every click or for impressions. You can easily target your ads in lots of different ways so conversions for this traffic is very high.
People can get paid to post status updates for other people’s fanpages and groups. You can go on websites like Fiverr where people would pay you money to post status updates on your wall or post on your fanpages, promoting their fan pages. This is an excellent way to earn extra cash, especially if you have loads of facebook friends.
As you can observe there are masses of different ways to make money online with facebook. Lots of big businesses as well as thousands of online marketers are already tapping into facebook for big profits. It doesn’t matter if you are new to facebook, new to internet marketing or new to the internet for that matter, you can still make lots of money on facebook.
Gary Simms has been writing articles for several years and is a freelance contributor for The Benefits of Development Finance and reverse psychology men love