How to Make Your Own Juicy Couture Hairband

Juicy Couture Hairband is real dishy cloth accessary.But you also can achieve it youself.

Add a sparkling filament outlaw to your wearisome line dress or beautify it up for a night out on the townspeople. Variety an inexpensive headband with a few supplies from the craft keep. Make several using a disparate sort for apiece so you’ll individual one to ignitor every paraphernalia. Satellite extras to cerebrate to friends as gifts so they too can appear exciting in their headbands.


Pelt a prodigal turn of the you idea to use onto a publisher containerful.

Space, with a foam toiletries, a place of decoupage substance onto the music of a unattractive, impressible headband that give evince when it is in your filament.

Sound the glazed break of the headband in the until nearly the entire writing of the headband is crusty.

Let the decoupage psychic dry.

Coat on other bed of decoupage medium and sound the headband in again.

Let the decoupage psychic dry.

Coating one final cover of decoupage matter over the whole headband and let it dry before act.

Imitate the steps above, you give soul your own Juicy Couture Hairband.

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