How to Check Automatic Transmission Before Buying Used Car. PART II
Why is it so important to check automatic transmission before buying used car? The answer has already been provided in the first part of this article. You can also learn what oil observation could tell you about the transmission state.
In the second part we will go through tips on how to check transmission in Toronto used cars in the driving process. Keep them in mind while making a final decision about buying a used car.
Check transmission in action.
The first is to check transmission in action as it is the delay between the moment when you select transmission Drive (D) or Reverse® and turn it on. This is the first sign showing that the transmission is defective.
Then switch the transmission to the P (parking) position. Warm up the car with the transmission until turnover does not fall into 650-850. Afterward switch transmission to the D (Drive) holding your foot on the brake pedal. Selecting D mode should occur immediately, the feeling like it “drags” the car forward should be evident. The whole inclusion process has to go softly; knocks and jolts could not take part in this.
Switching to Neutral (N) mode will turn off the box. Turn transmission to R (Reverse) mode. It must happen instantaneously. You will immediately feel like car is creeping back. And again there cannot be any knocks or shocks. The process of switching from D to R and reverse from R to D should also occur without them.
The delay of more than 1 second in switching transmission indicates a worn-out automatic box or repair work that must be absolutely repaired.
Test drive the car.
Turn on D (Drive) position, hang off brakes and try to accelerate gently. Before reaching speeds of 50-60 km / h you should shift gears two times -from first to second and then – from second to third mode.
When the noise level changes and turnovers fall it is time to switch the transfer to a higher position. If you feel tremors, delays and blows during shifting gears (especially from first to second) – excessive wear of transmission has taken place.
If the used car is in order, there will be switching to the lower gear and increasing of speed level when you press the gas to the end at a speed of 40-50 km / hour.
If there the car is in overdrive – continue with its inspection. Develop speeds up to 60-70 km / hour and switch to ON position by pressing the “Overdrive” button. Automatic transmission should switch one transfer up. The vehicle must go down one gear In the OFF state.
If you try to press the gas, and see that steam is rising, but speed does not remain unchanged, you are faced with one of the main automatic transmission problem. This is gear slipping.
The presence of at least one of the defects, described above, will cause a headache in the near future. Better start viewing for other Toronto cars.
Don’t be rushed at the end of a test drive. It sometimes happen that defects occur or disappear in a heated state. Remember – fully serviceable transmission never twitches, does not stall, does not bang and makes no noise. If you noticed the overdrive blinking while testing – better refrain from buying this car and get advice from a trusted Toronto used cars professional.