Is There Surgery For Shin Splints?
There is surgery for shin splints but it’s hardly necessary. It only becomes compulsory if shin splints are complicated by compartment syndrome, and it has to be done right away if accompanied by high pressure inside the lower leg tissue. The surgery is called fasciotomy. From the word fascia which is the connective tissue surrounding and amid organs, fasciotomy is done with few incisions on the sides of the leg and the closest layer of fascia in some compartments is removed to ease pressure. It will be left open for a period of two or three days to check the tissue pressure and will be closed thereafter.
Of course, the recovery process of surgery is different compared to non-surgical process. The incision will have to be covered with protective dressing, and the user may need clutches for several days. However, you’re expected to be able to carry your own weight in the first week. The following week, about 10-14 days, the stitches can be removed and the patient can get back to his routine in a gradual process. After 6 weeks, it is possible to be able to start jogging again, and if the conditions permit, full activity will possible in 10 weeks. Normally, a non-surgical treatment is done first, and it takes a thorough diagnostic test to make sure that surgery is necessary.
Compartment syndrome doesn’t happen a lot to non-athletes so surgery is also normally evasive to this demographic. Only those who use their legs excessively and in repeated motion are prone to the complications of compartment syndrome. On the final note, the best way to recover from shin splints is to take everything easy. No matter how much medicine you take, and massages and surgery you get, if you don’t take it easy in the recovery process, you will end up straining the injury all over again. The very adversary of shin splints is strain, and recovering form shin splints is basically just letting the pain ease. Before it gets unprecedentedly worse, you better listen to what your body is telling you. Your body is normally always right, at least with shin splints.
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