Shin Splints Treatment – Taping Can Help

The best cure for shin splints is time. However, if it is too painful, you can wrap a tape around it to reduce stress and promote faster recovery. This is the reason why it’s pretty common to see athletes, especially runners, having tapes on their feet. of course, you can’t just use ordinary packaging tape for your injury.

The materials you will need for taping shin splints will be a 2.5 cm or an inch of non-stretch zinc oxide tape, an under wrap and a skin adhesive. The process two are optional though. You can do the taping even without those two. In fact, the tape will be more firm and potent if you apply it directly to the shave skin. Be sure to shave your skin before you apply the tape for it to stick firmly. It will also be smoother and less painful as you apply and remove the tape. It really hurts to you have your hair taped underneath, especially if you’re a guy. It’s like you’re waxing, and waxing hurts.
Before you finally apply the tape, tighten the skin around the area by flexing your foot so the tape is secured nice and tight. Wrap the tape up the shin starting on both sides of the shin bone, and let it run from the ankle till below the knee. Apply a number of small tapes diagonally across the first two initial tapes. There should be no spaces between each tape so the entire shin is covered. Do the first process again over the diagonal tape so they are secured nicely. As you finish, put some pieces of tape horizontally across the shin to serve as support to the tapes attached underneath.

The very symptom of shin splints is excessive pain at the outer leg or the area below the knee. Taping the excruciating area is one of the best ways to ease the pain. It will also minimize the damage it will take. While it’s still aching, don’t abruptly dash to the finish line. Even though its wrapped with bandage, it can still take pressure if you push it too hard.

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