Guangzhou Sea Church: the concept of brand disinfection epidemic prevention – Lonkey, cleaning products – hairdressing industry

Current national attention has focused on the earthquake relief, on a hot stock market speculation is also possible to move closer to him. In the broader market plummeted today to Changjiushenghua (600,228 market, stock it), Alexander Walter (000,915 market, stock it), represented by shares of adverse economic earthquake subject sterilization rose, nice view. Earthquake in the power of self-help move the country calls, the daily chemical disinfection to the greatest degree of protection for victims of physical health, which greatly reduces the chances of infectious disease outbreaks. While leveraging the market to play a greatly enhanced kinetic energy of such stocks rose, along the ideas proposed in Guangzhou Lonkey concern (000,523 market, stock it) (000 523) produced waves odd brand of liquid detergent, synthetic detergent Lonkey card awarded the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine issued the title of China Famous Brand. Company's technology leadership, product quality, has been widely recognized by society and consumers. In addition, the first in command of advanced development and application of surfactant technology, the MES as a petroleum substitute the current high oil prices in the company formed a major positive.

1, daily chemical disinfection theme Is the first listed company in Guangzhou and South China first established Cleaning Products Enterprises, the main Cosmetic Other Japanese chemicals production and sales. Lonkey leading brand synthetic detergent products, soap and liquid detergent are awarded the title of China Top Brand, brand gradually. Last September's wave of odd cards produced soap and liquid detergent brand wave odd title of China Famous Brand Product. Together with famous brand in China in 2005 has been Lonkey synthetic detergent brand, the company Lonkey three brand products have received the title of China Famous Brand. Efforts in earthquake disaster self-help operation, washing powder, soap, liquid detergent and other household chemicals on the health of the victims play an important role in today belong to the same subject matter disinfection Alexander Walter, Chang nine chemical description of individual stocks rose in Adversity This concept agrees with the market.

2, MES project alternatives to oil

MES is a new generation surfactants, can be widely used in detergent industry, daily chemical and fine chemical industries, and by the oil sources such as alkyl benzene sulfonic acid compared to traditional surfactants. MES has many excellent and unique performance, the price also has a considerable advantage, and because the raw materials MES oils from renewable resources, environmentally friendly features. Foreign party in Malaysia's gold hopes the background of the company and Corning Inc. of palm oil supply cost advantage. According to statistics, only the potential domestic market demand for MES in 56 million metric tons, so even if Lonkey 36,000 tons put into production, the state is still in short supply. In addition, the current international oil prices break through 127 U.S. dollars / barrel, oil prices rose for the development of positive alternatives to corporate form.

Three MES project directed toward additional

In the Chinese daily chemical industry, who have in MES project, whoever will have a stronger future competitiveness. The company announced on August 29 last year, shareholders agreed to non-public offering of stock options is not more than 4200 non-public offering of shares, issuance price of not less than 6.66 yuan / share, and fund-raising project for 36,000 tons of production and MES MES-based cleaning products production project. After the project a total annual increase in net profit of 48.562 million yuan for the company. It is noteworthy that, because stock prices during the preparation of this report has a number of days the closing price lower than the issuance price (6.66 yuan / share). Under the current circumstances, non-public offering of stock options is able to period (August 28, 2008) approved by the SFC, the share price performance in the months of crucial importance. Prospects for additional industrial projects as the company excellent, with the company will not easily let go, so you want to monitor will be pulled by only a substantial stock price is the last word.

The secondary market, today's closing stock price gone against the tide of red, Jiashengliangzeng K line of the overall graphics point of view quite perfect, do not rule out a large sign of financial speculation. It is noteworthy that the flow of stock market value of less than 7 billion market in the large oscillation in such a small market capitalization stocks are welcomed by the funds, there are signs of trouble for a market probability of igniting the rampant speculation of a great, can focus on.

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