Data Collection – Web Bots, Email Extractor, Lead Generation Software

Data Collection

Now-a-days with the improving internet technologies it has become very easy to collect data from the internet. With the help of search engines one can browse the web and find out almost every kind of data from the websites that is relevant to their searching needs. The process of data collection is often employed in the companies for the purpose of process improvement, to keep on record, to make decisions about important issues and to pass on information to others.

Collecting data from different websites especially in the situations when there is bulk requirement can be time consuming and very tedious task. This is the main reason why the large companies requiring huge amounts of data often hire the data collection services of the companies providing various kinds of web data extraction services to provide institutions with accurate, updated and timely information in the required formats. These companies often employ various data extraction tools like data extraction software, web data extractors, data mining tools, web scrapers, web bots, email extractors etc for the easy and organized collection of data from the web.

Web Bot

Web bot or web robot is a software application that runs automated and structurally repetitive tasks for finding, analyzing and fetching the information from web servers. The main purpose of bots in internet is for web spidering purposes. They generally run at many times faster rate than that of a human and therefore can be most beneficial when there is need to find and collect the data in shorter span of time.

Email Extractor

Email extractor is a spider program which can crawl the web or local computer files to fetch email addresses based on criteria outlined by the user. Now-a-days different kinds of email extracting software are available in the market which can collect email addresses as per ones requirements either from the web or local computers. There are bulk email extractors which are capable of extracting large number of email ids from different web pages in shortest time. These email extractors make the task of email extraction a simplified, quicker and easy process.

Lead Generation Software

Lead generation refers to the creation of prospective consumer interest into products or services of a business. Leads are usually generated by businesses for a variety of purposes like for winning customers, list building, e-newsletter list acquisition etc. Internet provides many free sources of leads that one can use to market their business. In order to capture leads from these free sources using lead generation software can be the best way. These lead generation tools allow an individual to build their own leads by capturing information like name, address, phone number etc of the likely prospects and contacts.

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