Stages of Claiming on The Car Insurance Cover
Understandably nobody gets auto insurance with the expectation of facing damages and claiming on the coverage. Nevertheless you never know what happens on the road. You would be highly lucky to go through a life claim free as nearly all people would suffer at least one loss at one stage. Hopefully your insurer would be there to compensate you. For now you might like to learn what happens during the claim process.
Typically trivial claims are settled quite efficiently especially if there is no other party involved and hurt in the incident. Insurance firms would need to maintain their customers satisfied and save on the cost of administration for negligible damages except they suspect foul play.
After reporting an accident you would receive a claim form to fill. You are asked to provide the details of the accident and include supporting documents and pictures. Insurance company would appoint a loss adjuster when the claim is considerable, other motorists involved and particularly there are injuries. Loss adjuster would try to determine who is at fault and assess the loss suffered. Finally he would try to resolve the matter amicably.
When there are serious injuries police would have involved and prepared a report. Otherwise they favor that parties and their insurers sort it out between themselves. Each party insurer would have taken statements from their insured and compare notes. If you have a fully comprehensive coverage your losses would be settled either by your insurance firm or insurance provider of any party at fault.
If there was injuries settlement depends on where you reside, type of injury coverage you have and extend of injuries. Drivers who reside in no-fault states must carry personal injury protection (PIP), which pays for the cost of the insured’s injuries up to the policy limit. Otherwise faulty driver would have to pay for injuries as well.
Should you have a limited cover and the damages you have caused are higher than your cover you might be sued by the injured parties, parties faced financial losses because of your actions or by their insurance providers. You or your firm could do the same.
Motorists should ask for further advice from their insurance firms if they do not know the procedure. indeed they might appoint their own loss handler to manage the claim and communicate with the insurance provider if they select so.
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