Parents with children see a doctor the doctor said at least seven things clear – kids see the doctor – the pharmaceutical industries

Child is sick, would you be running around in circles? Take him to the doctor, you will not be flawless words, doctors can not accurately answer questions? Do not worry, we will now tell you, met with the doctor, how to say can be "concise."

In general, visiting time is limited, parents, children first use a word to say precisely the main reason for medical treatment, such as "diarrhea 2 hours," "cough, asthma two days," "heat days, skin red rash day ", so that the main medical condition of the children have a preliminary understanding.

A doctor for further diagnosis, the parents should at least note the following seven things:

Time: Children is very important description of onset, illness duration, interval and time to progression of many diseases have a meaningful difference. Moreover, if a child is suffering from acute or acute abdomen surgery, more than a certain time, there will be great changes in condition, treatment is not the same.

The main symptoms, parents should be more precise, such as "abdominal pain, diarrhea 1 hour," "cough, fever 1 week", etc., and "came home from a Grandma on the fever," "I get home from a child called, stomach pain "is not an accurate representation of the class.

Temperature: Clinical medical treatment to children up to see the fever, which is why many pediatric diseases, the main symptoms. If the doctor before

had body temperature measured at home, should indicate that when measured, were measured several times, the highest number. If not enough time to test, waiting time can be measured; no conditions can feel to a fever, hot, hot and other terms, in broad terms the degree of fever. Also, pay attention to whether the child fever regularity, periodicity and the palms, soles of the feet, back of the hand of the temperature difference, with or without fever, convulsions, rash, etc. who have no other symptoms.

Status: Child activities are freely onset limbs, neck is made hard; mind is clear, with or without irritability, crying, lethargy, drowsiness phenomenon; cough intensity, with or without wheeze, with or without sputum, sputum traits such as color and thin thick; is the overflow of vomit, or spray out of the other.

If the child is abdominal pain, diarrhea, abdominal pain also clear that the exact location, start time and pain duration, pain level, quality of pain (such as colic, men Tong, pain), under what circumstances more severe pain (such as stress, eating, etc.).

Diet: Many diseases of the child's diet have different effects. Parents, doctors should explain the situation change in diet, changes in the frequency interval, and whether the child hunger, fullness feeling, loss of appetite, indigestion, etc., and explain the situation of children — are thirsty to drink water while drinking, or always want to drink. Also, note whether children eat dirt or gravel, cinder and so on pica behavior, whether or not to eat unclean food and drinking unboiled water and eating leftovers and other experiences.

Toilet: If a child with diarrhea, stool to a detailed description of the number of doctors, the number of stool volume, stool characteristics (such as the thin water, like rice soup, egg soup-like), the nature of stool (eg, melena, mucus , blood and pus), stool with or without foul, foul, or other special smell. If there are other symptoms, also should work together very clear, such as child abdominal pain, diarrhea, at the same time, if accompanied by fever, chills, anorexia, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, nasal congestion, runny nose and other symptoms.


Sleep changes are relatively easy to observe the parents discovered.

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