excessive unduly manufacturing countries

Consumer countries, excessive unduly manufacturing countries, excessive resources supply type countries passed chase crisis will successive wave sharpened, make the whole world is coming unstuck and none escape by luck. Recently, with the Shanghai stock exchange in my general manager ZhangYuJun discuss global economic crisis, he launched the global economic crisis forming and development of the theory of the three stages: the first Mbt shoes stage is excessive country of consumers the crisis and the second stage is the excessive production-oriented national crisis, and the third phase is excessive resources supply type national crisis. Carefully to come, the analysis really makes sense. The global financial crisis first is enormous impact on consumer countries and excessive consumption in these countries and caused to shrink production and market impact, excessive consumption-based country has the recession and will in turn extrusion excessive production-oriented countries overseas market and cause these national recession, and excessive production-oriented country if appear slump, then the biggest hit is to give excessive production-oriented countries to provide resources of excessive resources supply type countries, and will eventually lead to these countries a recession. From this Angle to observe and grasp the world economic crisis, we can see in the next year, such as the U.S. consumer countries excessive most dangerous, 1, 2 years in the future like China, India such excessive production-oriented countries most dangerous, in the next 1-3 years like Brazil, Australia such excessive resource supply the most dangerous type of countries. The world economic crisis, probably in consumption — production — resources supply causal chains fracturing process successive wave amplification, transfer and chase until let the whole world mbt shoes uk coming unstuck. Capital unrest and demand slump will shrink, investment for the world economic development, international market formation challenges with its economic contraction shrink it will become negative multiplier effect, making the crisis will not only spread, deepening and sustained, and still can lead to further increase the difficulty of out of crisis to crisis means that fewer of space, deal with crises are getting smaller. This process will probably quite long, the world economy will have the unprecedented is not century-old disaster.

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