Exampdf ST0-095 latest questions and answers
Symantec ST0-095 certification training has become so popular today that you will often find many ST0-095 certification courses and online Symantec ST0-095 certification training resources being offered in your city , regardless of where you live on this planet . To become a ST0-095 Certified Professional , you will need to learn all the ST0-095 certification test objectives . Study them with the use of A ST0-095 certification guide and then test and evaluate your knowledge via our leading edge ST0-095 certification training resources.
Sharing free ST0-095 dumps here :
Which WO events could potentially be seen by a network monitoring solution in the context of
information protection? (Select WO.)
A. a program storing social security numbers in a SOL database
B. a hacker exfiltrating data out of an organization
C. a malicious insider emailing data out of an organization
D. an employee on their home ISP webmailing confidential data
E. an administrator incorrectly configuring email servers
Answer: B,C
What is the primary benefit of a people-based workflow solution?
A. business process creation
B. centrally managed collaboration
C. coordination of web services
D. user-based task assignment
Answer: B
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