Every action of yours has a reaction…Definitely Say Yes
For every action there is a reaction, and for every cause there is an effect. Nothing we do just go into nothingness after the deed has been done. If you do anything positive the reaction will be positive, if you do something negative the reaction will be negative. I am sure you have read about the ripple effect and this proves that everything we do will have a reaction. The whole world exists out of atom particles and it ripples out according to all words and actions. If you treat someone harmful then you are sending out negative ripples that can affect people you don’t even know.
Let us take an example of this, you and your husband have an argument and he goes to work feeling negative and upset. At work he berates someone for a small wrongdoing and that person feels wounded the whole day. When he goes home his children fuels the negative thoughts he already has with bad behaviour and he then gives one of his children a hiding. The child goes to sleep thinking that he isn’t loved and feels unworthy. Sneakers The next day at school he hurts someone else because of the need to feel validated again.
The argument with your husband may seem insignificant to you but you have no idea what it will create out in the world. Something so small can cause a reaction that hurts people far out of your immediate vicinity. This can be applied to anything we send Lacoste Outlet into the Universe. 贺诗亮的博客 Everything is ruled by the law of cause and effect. The mood you caused your husband to feel will affect someone else he comes into contact with.
If you treat someone with love and respect they will feel valued and have the need to treat someone else in the same manner. That causes positive feelings that will go into the world and create harmony and balance. OUTLET ONLINE Maybe you see someone somewhere hurting and you hug them and give them a positive feeling about themselves they will in turn do something good to a person they meet that day. So with just one positive action you can create goodness that will go out into the universe.
Let us all try to send positive vibrations into the world today instead of pain and hurt. Whatever we send into the world will come back threefold so there is something in it for you as well.