Astra optimises Police time

The Vauxhall Astra has become a firm favourite with UK Police forces. Vauxhall has now introduced new technology to help officers use their time more efficiently and help prevent crime as well respond more quickly.

Launched at Milbrook last week was a new Vauxhall Astra fitted with a Panasonic Toughbook CF-19, market-leading, rotating screen, convertible notebook, which sets a benchmark in rugged mobile computing. The custom Astra is aimed at field-based professionals who need access to WiFi and 3G broadband.

Dick Ellam, Vauxhall Special Vehicles Manager, said: “The Astra has long-since been a trusted model within the police, which is why we have opted to make this feature available. Toughbook rugged mobile computers are already in use by several police services across the country, and are proving to be a revolutionary resource to police; at a time when spending cuts are rife, a device that enables the force to save time and money will be invaluable.”

This new technology is highly valuable to the Police force because historically logging a crime report was a lengthy process and would usually start with a home visit. The officer would then have to take notes in a notebook and then write up a crime report. Typically, the report would then be faxed back to the office to a crime input team who would then have to type it up.

The Toughbook fits into a docking station, which is mounted in the glove box of the Vauxhall Astra. The Toughbook can be easily removed and this allows the laptop screen to be viewed in both upright and downward positions.

A similar laptop system can be added to a Vauxhall Zafira in Camberley as it too has become a favourite amongst the UK Police force.

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