Getting back on my feet

I finally found a job after being unemployed for almost 9 months, it’s the first time ever I have been out of work for this long and it was the worst 9 months of my life. I started working part-time when I was studying at college and haven’t been out of work since, so when I got made redundant because of the recession, I was totally gutted.

For the past few months, I just sat at home and did noting but eat a lot of unhealthy food. I also applied to so many jobs that by the end of the third month, I knew exactly what kind of questions to expect in the application forms.

I sat through to so many interviews that I stopped feeling nervous and by the end of it I started questioning the interviewer. While sitting in the waiting room at my last interview, I was reading the newspaper when I saw job advert for a removal company and I decided to apply for it.

A few days later I received a letter with an interview date, I was surprised as I wasn’t expecting a reply from them. So as I got ready for my interview that day, I also got ready for another rejection and another night on the computer searching for jobs.

To my surprise at the end of the interview, I was asked when I would like to start this job, I didn’t need to think, and so I replied with my answer and said as soon as possible please.

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