Requirements Management

There a lot of requirement management tools. They have a lot of uses nowadays.
The main purpose of requirement management tools is to assure organization documents. This requirements management requires a lot planning. One of the major requirements management tools is Microsoft excel. It has many uses in present day. These excel sheets also known as spreadsheets are mainly used for calculating purposes. These spreadsheets have built in mathematical and financial inputs that are used for arithmetic purposes. They are used to calculate the pay-offs or salaries of the employees. These spreadsheets are used to present data in charted out manner so that they present the data graphically. They can also be transformed into database files. These spreadsheets have multiple cells together with make a sheet. There are two to three sheets for a worksheet. The first known electronic spreadsheet is the Visicalc. One of the most compelling requirements management tools is the Microsoft excel. Generally in Microsoft excel the formulas are used for calculating purposes. The intersection of rows and columns are the cells. Each cell has a visible calculator attached to it. They are used for statistical functions too. These spreadsheets can present their data in various forms of charts too.

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