Software Deployment Approaches
The steps in software deployment vary, depending on whether the application is published or assigned and whether the application is automatically installed by activating a document associated with the application. Software Deployment Process for Published Applications The following sequence shows the installation process for published applications: 1.The user logs on to a client computer running Windows 2000 or later. 2.The user opens Add Or Remove Programs in Control Panel. 3.Add Or Remove Programs obtains the list of published software from Active Directory. The user selects the desired application. 5.Acid Or Remove Programs obtains the location of published software from Active Directory. 6.A request for the software is sent to the SDR 7.The Windows Installer service is started, and it installs the requested Windows Installer package. The user opens the newly-installed application. Now that you’ve verified the problem, it is time to correct it. 1.Return to Serverl (ensure that you are logged on as the domain administrator) and open the RedirectDesktop OU Properties dialog box. Click the Group Policy tab. 2.Click New and type DesktopRedirectLocal for the policy name and press Enter.Click Edit and open the User Configuration, Windows Settings, Folder Redirection,Desktop, Desktop mcitp 2008 Properties dialog box. 3.Configure the Setting selection to read: Basic—Redirect Everyone’s Folder To The Same Location. Configure the Target folder location to read: Redirect To The Local Userprofile Location. Click OK. On Server2, open a command prompt and run the Gpresult command. You should see that the DesktopRedirectGPO is still applying to DesktopUser2. 3- Close the command prompt and log off DesktopUser2. In Windows 2000, the option to redirect to the local userprofile path was not available. However, you could type %lteerprofi’/e%\Desktop to achieve the same outcome. 5.Close the Group Policy Object Editor. Close the DesktopRedirect Properties dialog box. 6.Run the Repadmin /syncall command to replicate these new settings as soon as possible. Wait two minutes before moving to the next step. 7.Log on to Server2 as DesktopUser2. You should now be able to create new files and folders on the desktop. The user now has a local desktop. You’ve solved the problem. Leave the DesktopRedirectLocal policy in Network+ certification place at least until all affected users have logged on to their affected computers. Once all users have logged on, you can delete the policy if you like.