Guangzhou Asian Games, three intelligent transportation systems to ease traffic congestion on the large – Intelligent Transportation – Security Industry

This month's meeting of the province, "two sessions", Provincial Public Security Bureau deputy director of Guangzhou, Guang-Ping He spoke at a press conference traffic problems, early referral to the media at the Asian Games in Guangzhou will soon put into use during the Intelligent Transportation Chain of command. These three intelligent traffic control system for the media ahead of the recent appearance: 95 LED variable information board stands ready to provide traffic congestion information, the owner of 200 meters away can be clearly seen; SCATS delivery Communicate No. control system can adjust lights according to traffic flow time, no traffic police at the junction to observe the traffic situation; Smart E-police By virtue of a pair of "eyes that" automatic matching set, fake brand cars, and auto-shot entering the dedicated lane BRT vehicles.

Magic one: traffic flow Detect And traffic guidance systems

Skills: 95 LED panels to provide traffic congestion information at any time

Many owners have such a driving experience: an out at first listen to Traffic Radio, easy to keep abreast of road travel. And to the Asian Games, Asian Games venues to the public and tourists around will be able to experience more fresh and accurate Chuxingzhinan. It is reported that before the Asian Games, city police traffic police department will be in three phases in the Asian Games, main road access, and other key sections of the city set the 260 microwave traffic detection point for detecting traffic flow, which is used in coils of 100 test points , 160 is a microwave testing point.

The same time, access and urban trunk roads in the Asian Games and other major road junctions (Baiyun Avenue, Guangzhou Avenue, Zhongshan Avenue, etc.) installed 49 variable information board, and now there's 46 variable information board, then, will have 95 variable information board to serve the public.

"The first time the variable information to the driver board can provide accurate traffic information, where the traffic jam, you can know in advance so that the choice of a detour." According to traffic police department introduced, such variable information board is effective Energy The LED lamp consisting of the driver at least 200 meters can be clearly seen.

Magic 2: SCATS traffic signal control system

Skills: According to the traffic lights regulate the time

"More traffic during the day, in order to protect the roads smooth, car dealers time can be longer; part of the traffic junctions few pedestrians crossing the street green time can be automatically adjusted long." Guangzhou traffic police department introduced this SCATS traffic signal control system junctions will reach 700, adjacent sections of the green wave or crossing traffic signal synchronization between the movement, so that each intersection of the green time be utilized, thereby significantly reducing the vehicle parking, the number of starts.

Typically, rush hour, the traffic police must be observed at the junction to traffic flow and adjust signal times, and the new opening of the SCATS traffic signal control system can automatically measure traffic flow, and adjusting the time the traffic lights, adjust the speed, coverage Avenue, the road network. "In this way, the traffic police can have more time for traffic violations, such as correct, the flow of traffic, maintaining order and so on."

It is reported that several sections have been installed in Guangzhou, about 500 new traffic signal control system, to the eve of the Games, the city will be increased to 700.

Magic 3: traffic incident detection and license plate recognition system

Skills: electronic police vehicles illegally automatically identify BRT

Guangzhou traffic police department also showed reporters about the use of intelligence in the Asian Games, Electronic Police: "electronic police barrier and the general, intelligent electronic police can automatically identify license plate numbers, automatic matching sets of fake brand vehicles, for violations vehicles into the lanes can also automatically capture, upload illegal information; Games lanes, BRT lanes and other traffic violations on the road, electronic police are available through automatic vehicle identification, can be described as 'eyes that'. "

Reporter on the scene saw that the system can automatically recognize license plates of vehicles entering the Asian Games and Social lane violations for HD recording, to ensure that the Asian Games lanes Security And smooth. The system consists of setting the main channel in the Asian Games, the main venue and the roads around the hotel entrance, and the urban sections of major urban roads and entrances and exits 78 Monitor Points, of which 38 control points can be achieved automatically in the background than on the function.

"Can automatically upload recorded violation, and the city traffic police chain of command link, the information found in violation after the alarm."

It is learned that after the Asian Games, intelligent electronic police will also assist the traffic police department to complete the high-emission vehicles on the limit line of trucks, vehicles enter the bus lane community supervision.

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