Diet for fatigue

Many people suffer from fatigue and tiredness, sometimes caused by the stress generated by the concerns of daily both work and personal life. The best advice to avoid being so exhausted is increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables and lower consumption of exciting products.
The response to the physical and mental fatigue is related to the daily diet.
The body needs energy. The blood sugar begins to descend after 4 or 5 hours of eating.
Below we mention a list of foods that are recommended to improve the fatigue and other food not recommended for people with fatigue.
Recommended foods to combat fatigue:
Dairy products: skimmed milk powder, cheese low fat, yoghurt equally low in fat. These are foods that will help with the intake of calcium. 60 Per cent of the necessary calcium must come from dairy products as their calcium is best absorbed by the body. Take at least three times a day, a portion of these foods.
Carbohydrates: cereals integrals, germ of wheat (help the immune system), pasta, vegetables, bread (if black, better), brown rice. These are digested quickly and also provide constant power and hold it for a long time.
Meat, fish or eggs: give priority to the meat with high content of iron (lean beef). Fish is rich in vitamin E and selenium.
Fruit: every day. Give priority to oranges, clementines (Mandarin), pineapple, grapefruit (grapefruit), grapes and Kiwi, these are important because of its content in a antioxidant vitamins. Also fruits with high-energy as a banana, banana, etc. Drink orange juice at breakfast, remember that vitamin C helps iron absorption.
Vegetables: cooked or raw at every meal. Vegetables are rich in vitamin C and folic acid. Try to give priority to the pepper and cauliflower. Broccoli is one of the richest in vitamin C. foods
Magnesium-rich foods: spinach, grain of sunflower, lentils, parties peas, Sesame, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds.
Cocoa: cocoa is energizing and also prevents the depression.
Honey: It relaxes the nervous system.
Pollen: protector of the immune system.
Sesame seeds, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts (groundnuts): these provide carbohydrates, vitamin E, B, unsaturated fatty acids and proteins.
Honey: It relaxes the nervous system.
Pollen: protector of the immune system.
There are three nutrients that help with energy input needed to be in shape throughout the day: vitamin C, calcium and iron
Not recommended food
Caffeine (coffee, tea, soda)
Energizing drinks
Junk food
General recommendations:
In the case of sleep (daily 8horas)
Do some physical activity regularly
Avoid messy eating habits (skipping meals, eating at any time, snacks between meals)
Eat every three hours, get used to eating small portions and you can thus maintain a level of more or less constant of sugar in the blood. Maintain constant energy supply prevents fatigue, because not lower their blood glucose (blood sugar).
Practice relaxation techniques and music therapy
Give up smoking

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