Don’t intervention is the biggest care

Don’t intervention is the biggest care. Buyers conceit principle is the modern market economy, but also the most basic principles of the most main principles stock investment. The Chinese stock market is in full transition faced quite onerous also difficult task, management should put the center and focus on market supervision and the system innovation system level up, without mbt shoe too much on market index and enterprise shares of the change and change. In the big bear market, China stock market investors deviate and policy for the system of paid a heavy deviate cost, of the investment in the process enthusiasm also suffered a huge trauma and hurts. For more than a year, making the bull market environment during a major change in the GaiTianHuanDe happened after, get into 2007, investor investment enthusiasm unprecedented upsurge, more and more investors joined the stock market investors team, started to accept the baptism of the market and the benefits and risks of the share of China’s environment symmetry with the development of China’s stock market economic results, and in the greater scope and mbt footwear higher extent share the development of the Chinese economy overall wealth effect. The formation of this situation hard-won, market and regulatory parties parties shall be caressed meticulously and cannot optional damage to protect investors, the more cannot harm the interests of the investors interests of nominal do things. For governments and management to not to intervene is the biggest care, otherwise, is not to have, not to do the thing for also don’t have to.

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