Top Five Australian Outdoor Festivals

If there is one thing that Australia does not lack it is a good outdoor festivals. There are festivals that occur year round. Considering the good year round weather and temperature, Australia is home to some of the greatest outdoor festivals in the world.

Any visitors who plan to come Down Under should consider campervan rental to take out to the festival. Not only will there be transportation but a place to stay while having the best time at an Australian outdoor festival. This is a compiled list of the top five Australian outdoor festivals to check out this year:

1. The Sydney Festival takes place in January every year in the magnificent New South Wales city. There are numerous events and activities to keep travellers busy during this fun-filled time. Programs seen at this festival include dance, forums, films, music, theatre, visual arts and much more. There are over 500 artists who are invited to this festival which spans for three weeks.

2. The National Multicultural Festival – This festival takes place in Canberra in February every year for two whole weeks. There is music, food, arts and dancing from all over the world as well as from Australia. Some of the highlights each year include the Pacific Islander Showcase, the International Concert and the Greek Glendi. There is also a complimentary festival that occurs simultaneously with the National Multicultural Festival; the Fringe Festival. Use a campervan rental and make your way to both festivals in February.

3. The Adelaide Bank Festival of Arts – this long standing festival has occurred for over 50 years and presents the best in diverse forms of art from mainly Australia. International exhibitions are also showcased at this creative festival. But watch out. This Festival occurs only in even numbered years (2012, 2014, 2016, etc) in March during the pleasant South Australian Autumn.

4. The Brisbane Festival – Another exciting festival that takes place in Australia is the Brisbane festival. This festival showcases multicultural forms of art from the international art community including music, dance, theatre, opera and multimedia. This festival is held every two years in the month of July. The great part about this festival is that the entire community gets involved which makes this an incredible experience for any traveller looking to catch a glimpse of Australian life and culture. Rent a campervan and make your way over to this Brisbane festival whether you planned to or not. There is no need for a hotel when you have a campervan rental.

5. The Darwin Festival – This festival is held in August every year and showcases some of the finest of Australian culture. Visitors mainly come to see the indigenous, pacific Island and Indonesian communities’ expositions of dance and music. There are also indigenous art displays and crafts sold throughout the festival.

Rent a campervan and make your way to one of these top five Australian outdoor festivals.

As a leading destinations for car rentals, DriveNow provides car hire as well as campervan hire throughout all areas of Australia.

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