Social Media: Determining the proper social outlets for your B2B Communications

Determining the proper social outlets for your B2B communications – daunting, isn’t it? Well, it doesn’t have to be that way. Keep your B2B social media selection process simple by asking yourself some questions. Answering these questions will help put you at ease and start your social media efforts out on the right path.

Who is my target audience?
When determining the proper social outlets for your B2B marketing program, think about your target audience and how they interact online. Does your target seek out the latest news via Facebook or Twitter? Does your target regularly ask questions through Quora or seek advice on LinkedIn? Does your target utilize blogs, presentations or videos? The bottom line is that you should be using the same social outlets that your target uses. Speak to them in their own language.

What do you hope to accomplish?
Your B2B strategy shouldn’t include every social media outlet just because it is available. When determining the proper outlets, think about your objectives. Just like any other marketing activity, you need to put an ROI to your efforts. Social media simply isn’t about trying to get as many “likes” or followers as you can. The value of social media is engagement and should be measured by the quality of interactions you have with your target.

What content do you have to share?
In social media, content is king. When determining the proper social outlets for your B2B communications, consider what content you have available to use. Video? Images? Presentations? Guides? Case studies? The list goes on! There are enough social outlets for you to share all of your content. One important note – regularly update your content to keep your profiles fresh and to give your target a reason to come back again – and again.

What are your competitors doing?
When determining the proper social outlets for your B2B program, take a look at your competitors. Embrace your inner sleuth and observe what types of media your competitors are using and how they are using them. See what seems to be working. Does the audience find the interaction interesting or engaging? At the same time, see what is not working. Zero engagement? If your competitors are on outlets that are not producing results, don’t spend resources building profiles there.
A successful social media program takes time to develop. Using extra man-hours on the front end to select the proper social outlets will benefit you in the long run. Generating more leads; increasing your Web presence; looking like a social guru – there’s nothing daunting about that.

M/C/C is Dallas based Social Media Marketing Agency. Offering PR and Advertising services as well. For more information on social media, please check out Social Media Firms Today

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