Test4pass IBM Test 000-012 exam

000-012 Exam

IBM Tivoli Usage & Accounting Manager V7.1 Implementation

  • Exam Number/Code : 000-012
  • Exam Name : IBM Tivoli Usage & Accounting Manager V7.1 Implementation
  • Number of questions: 51
  • Time allowed in minutes: 75
  • Required passing score: 76%

Sample Test

  • This sample test is designed to give the candidate an idea of the content and format of the questions that will be on the certification exam. Performance on the sample test is NOT an indicator of performance on the certification exam and this should not be considered an assessment tool.
  • Study Guide for the sample test/assessment test and the certification test.
  • Sample Test for Test 012

Exam Description

It is well known that 000-012 exam test is the hot exam of IBM certifications . Test4pass offer you all the Q&A of the 000-012 real test . It is the examination of the perfect combination and it will help you pass 000-012 exam at the first time!

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IBM IBM certifications I 000-012 exam braindumps questions and answers

  1. Which two accounting data sources can be processed only with IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager V7.1 Server running in a Windows environment? (Choose two.)
    A.Windows Process Data Collector
    B.Oracle Data Collector for UNIX/Linux
    C.AIX Advanced Accounting Data Collector
    D.DB2 Data Collector for Windows (WinDB)
    E.Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)
    Answer: AE2. Which core software for the Web Reporting Server is required to be installed?
    C.Integrated Solutions Console
    D.Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)
    Answer: D3. When identifying data sources and corresponding collectors, which collector does a CSV data source require?
    Answer: D

000-012 Downloadable, Interactive Testing engines

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