Air consumption wise eyes: comparison of money spent at all levels to performance – air conditioning energy efficiency, energy efficiency ratio – household appliances
< BR> 1 energy efficiency can indeed more than five air-conditioning more energy efficient savings, and considerable savings in energy efficiency. If you use the five energy-efficient air-conditioning 1 year 2 needs 2 air conditioners power consumption and energy efficiency of roughly 3.
<BR> The market now, the function of the same
Air conditioning
The power consumption of the same sizes, users can identify the energy efficiency
Efficiency levels, energy consumption and other key performance indicators, the estimated use of electricity and other products. For example, we often see
, Close to the energy efficiency of air conditioning on the labels, we can identify that the product of these labels is to save energy. However, these energy-saving energy efficiency rating in the end to how much? Now, the warranty will help you calculate the net on various situations of different levels of energy efficiency, energy consumption under different number of bolts in the end is.
<BR> In the end between the various energy efficiency rating, the actual energy have? First of all we have to understand the practical application of our air conditioning is what level of energy efficiency in the simulation under a variety of real power will have.
<BR> Air conditioning piece number and the actual relationship between the use of area about the following:
<BR> 1 air conditioning for an area of 10 to 15 square meters,
<BR> 1.5 for 16 to 26 square meters,
<BR> 2 for 20 to 37 square meters
<BR> 3 for 30 to 58 square meters.
<BR> Case 1:
<BR> To 8-12 square bedroom, air conditioning is turned on at night only to cases of calculation: According to the boot 100 days a year, every 4 hours of air-conditioning mode boot, Beijing's tariff calculation, that is a single room in Beijing only in the summer (100 days) when the air conditioning at night, every night open 4 hours, then in the ideal case:
<BR> 1 energy efficiency an electricity-consuming air-conditioning 1 year 141 yuan;
<BR> 2 energy efficiency an electricity-consuming air-conditioning 1 year 150;
<BR> 3 energy efficiency an electricity-consuming air-conditioning 1 year 160;
<BR> 4 energy efficiency an electricity-consuming air-conditioning 1 year 171 yuan;
<BR> 5 energy efficiency an electricity-consuming air-conditioning 1 year 185 yuan;
<BR> These same conditions, to 16-25 square meters, the two air conditioning use to calculate:
<BR> 1 energy efficiency two electricity-consuming air-conditioning 1 year 291 yuan;
<BR> 2 energy efficiency two electricity-consuming air-conditioning 1 year 310 yuan;
<BR> 3 energy efficiency two electricity-consuming air-conditioning 1 year 331 yuan;
<BR> 4 energy efficiency two electricity-consuming air-conditioning 1 year 356 yuan;
<BR> 5 energy efficiency two electricity-consuming air-conditioning 1 year 384 yuan;
<BR> Use among more than a single air-conditioned one and two air-conditioned, with different levels of power efficiency calculation. Here, network simulation, a three warranty the use of:
<BR> Case II:
<BR> Beijing, a family of three, two bedrooms and one room; night were installed in a bedroom, 1.5 air-conditioning, the same only in the summer (100 days) when the air conditioning at night, every night open 4 hours, so in this ideal case:
<BR> 2 air conditioners an energy efficiency electricity-consuming 1 year 339 yuan;
<BR> 2 air conditioners 2 efficiency 1 year 360 electricity-consuming;
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