The Right Athletic Socks for Hiking and Walking Make a Difference

Is there anything better than the feeling of putting on your favorite socks straight from the dryer?  Pulling them on over your toes and your foot and then your heel, it just feels amazing.  Wiggling your toes just a little, you know you can face another day of the rat race now that you’ve got your socks on.  Especially because it reminds you that the weekend is almost here, and so is that hiking trip you’ve been planning with your buddies.

You’ve got everything you need for the trip ready to go.  All of your hiking equipment is packed and out in the truck and your loyal hunting dog knows is excited because he knows a trip is coming.  You look down at him and see he’s chewing on something.  “What have you got, boy?”  Horror strikes you as you realize he’s got one of your pairs of hiking socks!  You try to wrestle it out of his grip, but he thinks you’re playing now so he tugs harder, backing up and taking you with him.  After a couple of minutes of struggling, you finally manage to get the socks from him and now you have to examine them for holes.  You feel a great sense of relief when you see that while they are a tad soggy, these high quality socks are still completely intact.

What is it with the dog and your socks you think to yourself as you open your overstuffed sock drawer to throw Fido’s toy back in.  The drawer is so full that a pair of athletic socks fall out and you catch them and shove them back in, doing your best to get that drawer to shut again.  Well, that’s as closed as it’s going to get.

As you drink your morning cup of Joe, you start to think about that hiking trip again.  The wilderness is calling your name.  You imagine getting out of your tent and setting up the cooking fire as the sun rises.  You envision the mountains and all of their wondrous glory that you will be conquering soon.  That fish you catch is going to taste like the best fish you’ve ever had.  Those pictures of the trip that you take will be the most amazing photos ever captured.  The time you share with your buddies is going to be the best time any of you have ever had.  Yes, this is going to be the best hiking trip in the entire history of hiking trips. You swallow the last bit of coffee and grab your keys and your coat and head out for the day.  Your feet are so warm and comfortable in that pair of walking socks you pulled from the dryer.

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