Try These Few Tips If You Are Not Getting Pregnant
Women who are not getting pregnant may feel a sense of inadequacy and even consider themselves a failure as a person and as a woman. However, if you haven’t been able to conceive even after a long period of trying, this may mean you’re doing something wrong and not that you’re incapable of being a mother. Try to look back and review the things you do and don’t do while trying to get pregnant.
Stress can be a contributing factor. If you’re trying so hard you’ve even made sex a chore, this could be the reason why you’re not getting pregnant. Relieve yourself from too much stress and pressure. Take some time off. Go out of town. Have sex some place else and have fun doing it.
Research studies have found evidence that when a woman reaches orgasm, the contractions pull sperm into the uterus. As for men, having an explosive ejaculation from a wild hot and enjoyable sex increases the amount of sperm released. That’s why it’s not bad to actually enjoy sex. Do it in your car in a parking lot, go to the woods, when you’re camping, when at the beach. Just feel the thrill of it. Have fun!
You can also take Clomid to increase the number of egg cells released by your ovaries. This increases the chances of pregnancy. As for your man, testosterone can help skyrocket his sperm count. You should also exercise regularly to maintain good health and to enhance blood flow. Eat healthy foods to ensure you get all the nutrients you need. Iron, folic acid and calcium supplements can also help solve your problem of not getting pregnant.
Do you want to naturally and safely conceive a baby within 4 weeks from now? If yes, then I advise that you use the techniques recommended in the “Pregnancy Miracle Book” to significantly boost your odds of quickly conceiving and giving birth to a healthy kid.
Click here: Pregnancy Miracle Review, to read more about this Natural Infertility Cure Guide, and see how it has helped tens of thousands of ladies allover the world, solving their infertility troubles and enabling them to naturally conceive