Benefits of an Effective PAAS for IT Service providers

Paas or (Platform as services) is the next logical step of SaaS – Software as a service.  Forrester defines it as “An externally hosted service providing a platform that is complete to create, run, and operate applications including development tools, administration and management tools, runtime engines, data management engines security facilities, and user-management services. PaaS is based on Internet protocols and patterns.”
ITSM solutions providers allow companies to configure applications for their customers. Both On-Premise and SaaS deployment can be done including an internal Cloud for the end user development.
Benefits of an effective Paas
PaaS offers some distinct advantages over the traditional development methodologies, as a new delivery platform for business applications. Some of the benefits are:

  • Significant Savings in Development time and cost

A feature rich business application using PaaS can take between few man-hours to a 4-6 man weeks. On the other hand to develop a business application with all the features will take minimum of 10s of man-months if developed using traditional methodology. The savings have the following components.
Infrastructural Savings: By providing a complete hardware and software infrastructure for development, deployment and operations, the time and cost of setup of development and deployment infrastructure can be saved.

Savings in Development Efforts: The application lifecycle development time and effort is reduced considerably due to codeless drag and drop configuration.

Savings in Testing and QA Efforts: Codeless drag-and-drop configurations are made error proof, making it difficult to make lapses in coding.

Operational Savings: by having a web architected application deployed, there is a substantial savings in total ownership cost either On-premise or Software as a Service (SaaS).

Characteristics of an effective PAAS

  • No coding

A successful Paas does need any coding.  It does not have an underlying language in which a program is ‘generated’.

  • Distributed Collaborative Applications

An effective PAAS application is intrinsically collaborative and distributed. It provides all the necessary tools for users of various disciplines to collaborate online as it is completely web based and web architected from the grounds up.

  • Typical Web based Application

An effective Paas follows a traditional database development methodology by defining multiple Entities and creating relationship among them.

  • Process Management Platform

PaaS tools allow users to create industry strength workflow automation on top of any of the applications.

  • Built-in Integration Bus Technology

One of the primary requirements of any industry strength business application is its ability to integrate with a wide range of other business applications. An effective Paas has a built-in SOA based integration bus technology, the Omnibus uses Bus Technology to integrate with any applications running anywhere in the world on any technology.

  • Reporting and Dashboard

A built-in reporting and dash-boarding tool allows wide range of textual, tabular, form based and graphical reports. No additional tool is necessary as in some of the other PaaS offerings.
Competitive Advantage:
An effective Paas has a competitive advantage to market revenue recognition much faster. IT service partners deliver high featured business applications at a competitive cost in a short time and that is one of the main advantage of effort and cost savings. Paas is suitable for a wide range of business applications that can be created and configured for the specific needs of each organization.

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