Information about nutrition and eating out

If you eat in restaurants frequently, you can make it more difficult to eat a healthy diet. This is especially true when go to restaurants that serve large portions. You can find health options in more restaurants if you know what to look for and you can adopt strategies to keep from overeating.
Nutrition information can help you to choose the best option when it is eating out. You can use this information to avoid foods that are rich in saturated fat, sugar or salt. Knowing what constitutes a serving of different foods can help you to keep the size of the portions under control, from restaurants typically serve large portions.
Some restaurants make it easy to choose healthier options, making their nutrition information online or in your menus. However, in most cases have to guess based on the descriptions on the menu. Elements that are fried, you have gravy or cream sauces have more fat and calories than those that are poached, roasted grilled, baked, steamed, or grilled. Chicken and fish without skin is options healthier than pork or beef.
If you are not sure if an element is healthy, ask your server how it is prepared. Most restaurants allows you to ad hoc requests. You can ask for sauces and dressings on the side to minimize the fat and calories and request that the foods prepared with a minimum oil or butter. You can often replace French fries with a side or vegetable salad.
Try an appetizer instead of an entry of orders as they are usually smaller portions, or take half of your home of food for another meal. Choose the elements that contain lean protein, whole grains, and fruits or vegetables that contain only meat and refined grains. Avoid eating the extras, such as bread and butter or chips and salsa, which provides the restaurant while they are waiting for their food, reports of the University of California, Los Angeles.
Information of experts
Planning ahead can help you keep your meals restaurant as healthy as possible, according to the University of California, Los Angeles. Plan to eat at a restaurant which is known has healthy options and decide what you are going to eat before you arrive. If the portions are big, can plan how much of each part of their food which is eaten. You can avoid being tempted by options unhealthy if it is to choose what you want before time, so you don’t have to search in the menu.

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