Water, Water

Water is the main component of our body. When we are born, the degree of hydration is 70%. In an adult comes to be 60% and an old man can reach 50%. Actually, dehydration is one of the signs of old age.
The skin is a clear reflection of the person’s age. Dermatologists recommend drinking adequate water for the health of the skin, rather than sophisticated creams or treatments without an internal hydration with a much lower effectiveness.
We know that you can be long periods of time without eating solid food, but being without drinking more than three days can have irreversible effects.
The body warns us that you need to be hydrated by the sensation of thirst. We have the sensation of thirst when the Agency has lost about 5% water and it should be revived as soon as possible. Right thing would be to not get to be thirsty, i.e. foresee drinking systematically to not suffer dehydration. Water losses take place through the urine, stool, skin and breathing in an average amount of two litres, approximate amount that we should replace on a daily basis.
We invigorate liquid not only through the water. Most of the foods have a high percentage of water in its composition: 70% meat, the fruit of a 85-95%, like vegetables, or 90% milk, approximately.

The amount of water needed for each person depends on the food you make, and physical exercise to do, the temperature of the environment, etc. By general term, we should drink an average of a liter and a half of water per day.
There are many theories about when it is more convenient to drink water. The reality is that the water can and must drink when the person you want, its efforts if you believe that not drinking enough. It is not true that during meals fattening or thinner or more or less appropriate. Water non-fattening at any time already that does not contain calories, so foods rich in water, vegetables, for example, very little fat, on the other hand food with very little water, nuts, for example, are very calorie.
The tap water is drinking water from rivers, springs or reservoirs, conveniently higienizada and purified to make it suitable for human consumption. Bottled water, mineral, or not, with or without gas, is one that previous analysis and study of its properties, sometimes therapeutic, and control of the Ministry of health and Consumer Affairs, reaches the consumer bottled. In Spain was drinking every year about 2 billion litres of bottled water. Once open a bottle of water, it should be consumed within 48 hours.

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