PDF to EPUB-Convert PDF to EPUB iBooks for iPad, iPhone, iTouch on Windows
Wanna import PDF to your device like iPad, iPhone or iTouch and read PDF eBook on it? Have tried some free programs to convert PDF, but frustrated with the output effects.
Luckily enough, there is a tool- PDF to EPUB Converter,specially designed for Windows users to convert PDF to ePub for better compatibility with iBooks for Apple products; PDF to iPad and PDF to iPhone/iPod,or for other ebook readers only supporting EPUB ebook formats. After the PDF to EPUB conversion, you can read or view eBooks on iPad, iPhone and iTouch as ease.
In addition, the PDF to ePub Converter also provides some rich options such as batch conversion, customize output page range, select your favourite output mode-Custom Style (keep original, Ignore Images or Ignore Hyperlinks) or Each page as image to epub, etc.
Click here to free download PDF to EPUB Converter for Windows
If you use Mac OS, please refer to Mac PDF to EPUB Converter.
Note: With the release of iOS4 for iPhone and iPod Touch on June 21, 2010, iBooks can also workable for iPhone and iTouch with iOS4, in addition to iPad and iPhone 4. But the lst generation of iPhone or iTouch can not support iBooks.
Part 1: Convert PDF to EPUB for iBooks
Part 2: Sync EPUB eBook to iPad, iPhone, or iTouch via iTunes 9.2 When the conversion is finished, do the following steps: Open iTunes(iTunes 9.2 or later)->Connect iPad (iPhone, iPod Touch) to PC-> Drag and drop the EPUB file to iTunes library->sync it to your device. Then, you can enjoy EPUB eBooks on iPad, iPhone or iTouch on the go.