Account Policies
The policies in the Account Policies security area apply to user accounts in the domain to which the GPO is linked. This security area contains attributes for the following:
Password policy For domain or local user accounts, determines settings for passwords such as enforcement and lifetimes
Account lockout policy For domain or local user accounts, determines when and for whom an account is locked out of the system
The policies in the Local Policies security area pertain to the security settings on the computer used by an application or user in the site, domain, or OU to which the GPO is linked. Local policies are based on the computer you are logged on to and the rights you have on that particular computer. This security area contains attributes for the fol?lowing:
Audit policy Determines which security events are logged into the security log on the computer (successful attempts, failed attempts, or both). The security log is a part of the Event Viewer console. Audit policy is discussed in detail in Lesson 3.
User rights assignment Determines which users or groups have logon or task privileges on the computer in a site, domain, or OU. A user right is authorization to perform an operation that affects an entire computer rather than a specific object on the computer. To ease the task of user account administration, you should assign user rights primarily to A+ certificate group accounts, rather than to individual user accounts. You can find details about user rights in Appendix C, “User Rights.”
Security options Enables or disables security settings for the computer, such as digital signing of data, Administrator and Guest account names, floppy drive and CD-ROM access, driver installation, and logon prompts.
Local policies, by definition, are local to a computer. When these settings are imported to a GPO in Active Directory, they affect the local security settings of any computer accounts to which that GPO is applied.
You can also configure the default security log size in the Security Properties dialog box. The Security Properties dialog box is located by right-clicking Security and then clicking Properties in the Event Viewer console.
publish To deploy a program to members of a group where acceptance of the pro-gram is at the discretion of the user.
software distribution point (SDP) In Software MCITP Enterprise Administrator Installation, a network location from which users are able to get the software that they need.