VOB to iMovie, Import VOB into iMovie

If you have a burned DVD of your heart content like home video or programmes and would like to do some editing with them in iMovie. You may need to import the VOB into iMovie and selectively cut out about a few minutes worth of video and paste the pieces together. But the problem is iMovie doesn’t recognize .vob files at all. So, you may have this question: what format should i need to convert .vob files to in order to edit some thing in iMovie?

Apparently, whether it is for new Mac users or for pro alike, it is always a common thing confronting to us. Don’t worry, if you are unfamiliar with OSX and iMovie, I can demonstrate you this is not a difficult problem at all. Video converter for Mac is a third party program that is specially designed to deal with problem to import VOB to iMovie and convert VOB to iMovie workable likes DV, HDV, MPEG-4, MPEG-2 in a simple yet professional way.

What you need to do is use Mac video converter to load VOB files, and then convert it to DV or Mpeg-4 format for editing in iMovie. The program also has simple yet powerful video editing capacity that can meet all your basic editing needs. You are allowed to crop, trim, rotate, merge files and apply video effect as well.

Step by Step on how to import VOB to iMovie and convert vob to iMovie workable.

Step 1 Click link below to download and install Video converter for Mac 3.3.8
After the program is downloaded, you are encouraged to evaluate the program simply by loading a video file then convert. You can play with the different functional tabs spread on the panel. Our online customer service is available too.

Step 2 Load video files to video converter for Mac
You are supposed to load unencrypted VOB files already stored on your computer to the program. VOB files are usually large video files in DVD, and there are usually many of them. Batch mode support allows you to load as many as vob file at one time, it won’t make you feel too hard to handle.

Step 3 Convert VOB to DV or Mpeg-4
If you are happy with the default setting, then hit Convert to start the conversion process. The VOB will soon be converted to DV or MPEG-4, MPEG-2.

Step 4 Import VOB to iMovie for editing
1: Open iMovie. Go to File > Import Movies.
2: A Finder window will open. Browse to the video file you want to import.
3: The Import dialog box with importing options will appear. Follow steps 4–6 from “How to Import from DVD, Hard Drive, or Flash Memory Camcorder” section to complete the import process.
4: Select Copy Files, (also on the Import dialog box), if you wish to copy the files to the new location while keeping the old files where they were. Select Move Files if you wish to move the files to the new destination and remove them from the previous location.
5 Click Import.

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