Some Money Saving Tips
It may be easy to talk about saving money, the hardest thing about it is the doing part.
I do not claim to be the best when it comes to saving money, but I do have some trick up my sleeves. Here is some money saving tips that I have personally experienced and applied throughout the years:
1.) Be electric consumption conscious – Considering that electricity cost is very expensive nowadays, this is probably one of the best money saving tips I could offer. By simply monitoring your electricity consumption, you could save a lot of money. All it takes is turning of appliances and lights that are not in use. Other measures include shifting to energy saving light. What we personally do is that we turn off our electric water dispenser and our refrigerator during the night time. Buying new home appliances certainly helps reduce electric consumption. It is a well known fact that new home appliances are more energy efficient than old appliances which enables you to save electricity in the long run. Our bill went down by almost 25 % when we started becoming more electric consumption conscious.
2.) Save loose change – Mom has taught me several money saving tips, but I believe this is one is the most important one she has taught me. At first collecting loose change may seem insignificant. But when it starts to grow, you will realize it’s value. At one time the loose change I saved amounted to more than P 10,000.00. ($200.00 U.S plus)
3.) Recycle – This is a new program that I have started to implement. More than 3 months ago I instead of throwing away plastic, glass bottles and containers I started collecting them. Now I have 4 sacks of recyclable materials waiting to be sold. I am placing this in my garage and will be selling this at the end of the year.
4.) Not buying from the convenience store – Aside from the regular “convenience stores” Filipinos have small neighborhood convenience stores which they call as “Sari-sari” store. Normally, this are the stores where people buy stuff that they badly need. Doing this once in a while might be all right. But buying everyday needs in the sari-sari store is sure to cost you more. Sari-Sari stores buy their stuff from the grocery stores, making them more expensive than grocery stores.
5.) Eating out less – This is one of the money saving tips that most financial experts agree upon. I think nobody would argue with me bringing lunch from home to work is definitely much more cheaper than buying lunch outside. Frequently eating outside especially in restaurants will surely make a dent in your pocket book. If you are a “leisure eater” and would like to satisfy your gastronomic cravings by trying out new restaurants, just try to schedule and limit your restaurant visits to once a week or once a month.
Do you like to know moremoney saving tips ? Visit the blog of Zigfred Diaz where he blogs about several interesting topics such as investments, money management, business, making money online and Stock market investing