How to Get More People to See Your Facebook Fan Page Using SEO
Before I get into the actual teaching of SEO, you can check out my rankings for the word Blue Buffalo Coupons on google to see its actually number 1 position.
Facebook is fast becoming a popular platform for Internet marketers and small companies. By properly utilizing this social network and leveraging its features you can reach out to a large number of audiences easily. One of the most effective ways to do this is by creating a fan page where people can join and stay updated about your brand. There is a lot of competition for fan page followers though. You will find that it is necessary to engage in an out of the box type of thinking in order to make your page stand out from the competition. Optimizing your page for the search engines is one good way to do this. These three tips will help your fan page get the SEO ranking you need in order to gain maximum exposure.
It’s also important to choose your Facebook username for your fan page carefully. Your Facebook username and vanity URL is much like a domain name. If you aren’t lucky enough to claim it, then another person will take your place. This is why it is critical to register web address of your fan page as soon as you get going. When choosing an URL pick something that has general keywords but avoid making it appear spammy because Facebook has banned usernames before. You want to avoid complicating things and the simplest option is to choose an URL that incorporates your business name.
When you first build your page, you will find that there are a few default areas where your visitors can land. However, these areas provide reduced options such as your wall, links, information and more. You can solve this problem by adding more boxes and tabs of optimized content with the use of the FBML application. This makes it easy for you to place more text, images, and links on your page by having more boxes set up. This will benefit you by increasing your overall content score. What advantages does this provide in terms of SEO for your page? The likelihood of Google noticing your fan page is higher.
Lastly, make sure you are showing courtesy by thanking everyone who becomes your page’s fan. If someone finds your fan page using Google, then you need to thank them ASAP. You could even offer your new fans a coupon or e-book if you really want your thank you to mean something. Never forget the simple thank you message that’s easy to send out. In conclusion, once you effectively optimize your page for the search engines you’ll realize that it’s not really that difficult and doesn’t take much time to show results. It is also important to remember that getting lots of targeted search engine traffic on your Facebook fan page is just one step toward the success you crave. The best way to consistently improve your search engine traffic is to constantly work on your SEO. Even though there are lots of factors that go into making sure your fan page is successful, it is how you use this traffic and use it for future successes that really matters to your business.
To see an actual site that is ranked on Google using SEO, type in Blue Buffalo Dog Food Coupons to see how it all went down!