Exporting Security Templates
If you have a created a composite security template by importing multiple templates into one database, you can save the composite template as a separate template file. The export feature provides the ability to save a security database configuration as a new template file that can be imported into other databases, used as is to analyze or configure a system, or even redefined with the Security Templates console.
To export security database settings to a security template, complete the following steps:
1.In the Security Configuration And Analysis console, right-click the Security Configuration And Analysis node, and then click Export Template.
In the Export Template To dialog box, type a valid filename in the File Name box,type a path to where your template should be saved in the Save In list, and select the type of file you want to save in the Save As Type list, and then click Save.
Configuring System Security If you want to configure the local computer according to the Security Configuration And Analysis database configuration values, you can con?figure system security. When you choose to configure system security, you apply the stored template configuration in the security configuration and analysis database to the local computer. You should configure system security only to modify security areas not affected by Group Policy settings, such as security on local files and folders, registry keys, and CompTIA A+ certification system services. Otherwise, when the Group Policy settings are applied, they take precedence over local settings—such as account policies.
In general, do not configure system security when you are configuring security for a domain or OU, because you have to configure each client individually. In this case, you should return to the Security Templates console, modify the template, and reapply it to the appropriate GPO.
After completing a security configuration, you can view the security configuration log file in the details pane. The log file contains information about the configuration. You can also view the security configuration log file in the location you specified in the Configure System dialog box.
To configure system security, complete the following steps:
1.In the Security Configuration And Analysis console, set a security configuration and analysis database (if one is not currently set).
2.Right-click the Security Configuration And Analysis node, and then click Configure Computer Now.
3.In the Configure System dialog box, verify or change the path for the log file generated from the analysis in the Error Log File Path box, and then click OK. The default path for the log file is: comptia exams. The different security areas are displayed as they are configured. When the configuration completes, you can view the results.