Avoid These 6 Pack Abdominal Myths!

There’s much more to sculpting a set of rock hard ab muscles than just doing sit ups, curls, and also a ton of aerobic exercise. In this post we are going to talk about some ridiculous lies about sculpting a ripped set of abs and losing fat.

First, you can not crunch your way to a six pack. No matter how hard that you try you can’t spot reduce abdominal fat. Abs are made in your kitchen, not in the gym. Diet is the reason for 90% of the results that you get. In order to burn off the fat that is covering up your abs, your diet needs to be right on the money.

Second, no fat burning supplements will do the trick. Your 6 pack abs are not locked away inside of a container of miracle pills. The truth is that these miracles can make your abs appear worse because they burn as much muscle as they do fat. Stick to a fat burning muscle building diet all year round and you will find success

Third, it’s not genetics that are holding you back from getting 6 pack abs. You might hear people say stuff like they cannot lose belly fat because they just do not have the right genetics to make it work for them. The truth is that should you make good food choices and you stick to a good diet then you can considerably transform the way that your abs look.

Fourth, do not starve to get a lean set of cut abs. Ok , i’ll make this clear: if you wait till you feel like you are starving you are a lot more likely to overeat or eat the wrong foods, or both. Remember that if you keep foods like cookies and cakes out of the house then you’ll not have the temptation there and you will not cheat on your diet.

Using the guidelines in this post could possibly get you closer towards the ripped washboard abs which you really want.

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