What Used Engines Offer

Today’s economy in today’s depressed economy many drivers to stop worrying about having the latest Lexus parked in their driveway and fallen back to simply having a good working vehicle. Many people are keeping their vehicles far longer than they used to, going well beyond factory warranty time and mileage limits.

If your vehicle no longer has a factory warranty and your engine blows up, you’ll need to quickly decide whether you’re going to jump the car or repair it. If you choose to repair, the good news is that there is a great availability of low mileage used engines that offer affordability and reliability.

Low mileage used engines over the reliable replacement option. Don’t mistake low mileage used engines with the average used engines sold by the solids industry. Mileage is a great indicator of the type of reliability that can be expected from an engine. Used engines, simply put, have a lot of life left in. Since used engines were manufactured through the same sources that originally manufactured your vehicle, you’re getting the same quality your vehicle had we had low miles on it.

You should make sure that you purchase from a company that adequately tests their engines and offers a strong standard warranty. If these two issues are addressed, the use of used engines is one of the most reliable engine replacement options available.

Labor costs are also typically lower when used engines are installed and when shops use remanufactured engines or rebuild your existing engine. There are several reasons for this.

The first reason is that used engines have already been assembled. Things like intake manifolds, oil pans, timing covers, exhaust manifolds, and pulleys are already in place on most used engines. Remanufactured engines, also known as long blocks, ship “bare” and typically require much more labor to install.

It should be pointed out though that used engines fit many vehicles and come from wrecked vehicles. In some instances this means that he used engine will need to be stripped to a long block in all parts swapped anyways. This may be required for fit issues, or to replace external parts that attach to the engine that were damaged in the wreck.

If you save six hours of labor had shop the charges $90 an hour, you have saved $540. You should not plan on the savings in every instance since auto repair is as much an art as it is a science. Estimates are just that – estimates. Further, even if significant time is required to swap parts on certain types of used engines, the cost savings from purchasing used engines instead of remanufactured engines are still huge.

High reliability and a lower cost mean that used engines offer a very cost-effective vehicle repair solution. The use of remanufactured engines can double or triple repair cost as can having your mechanic rebuild your existing engine. Of course, any of these options is significantly less expensive than replacing many vehicles.

Finally, we would be remiss to not address the environmental benefits of installing used engines. Used engines allow for the efficient reuse of existing material, and since very little refurbishment is required to effectively use them, environmental impact is low. Some people by Toyota Prius’s in an effort to assuage their guilty conscious. The truth is they should actually feel more guilty since environmental impact of manufacturing hybrids is huge!

About: – Drivers to keep their existing vehicles by repairing them, especially those drivers who maintain their vehicles with used parts including used engines, are the best environmentalists the world – even if they don’t care and are just doing it to save money.

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