How To Face The End Of The World

On the other hand there are those who are of the belief that this world is eternal . Very few of us had ever heard about the prophecy which talks about end of the world the year 2012. What we are not aware of is ‘the time when it is going to end .’

Mayans belonged to the Mesoamerican civilization and believed in various forms of God. Mayans is one of the oldest civilizations of the world. They talked about a very peculiar and unusual planetary arrangement that will take place in the year 2012 on the 12th day of December. When this happens, it is going to be responsible for changes in the magnetic poles. The fact that this type of planetary alignment occurs after every twenty five thousand years, confirms the rarity of this incidence. This is the reason they have not talked about times after this date in their calendar, which finishes on 12th December, 2012.

This planetary configuration happened before and if it happens again now, there are bound to be some fundamental changes in the very existence of the earth, bringing about destruction on a large scale as never before. Their studies of planetary movements and changing configurations from time to time were remarkable. It is a very good idea to go through their related writings and see what they felt about this change in the planetary placement. All such people who have spent years in thorough study of Mayan’s philosophy are also not able to comprehend it fully. As per their philosophy the world will cease to be on the 12th of December 2012.

However, 12th December, 2012 is supposedly considered to be end of the world by millions of people across the globe. Their own thought process terrifies them. They have talked about techniques that are effective for disaster management . Here you will be able to ready a lot more than you may have known until now. The knowledge that you gain by this reading will help you immensely in case their prediction is established. These visuals will give you a better sense of comprehension about the planetary changes. You will get an insight into the pre and post disaster scenario and the magnanimity of the eventuality, along with tips on disaster management. This site gives you reorganized information from time to time to prepare you well for the dooms day , it were to take place .

Author is an expert writer on end of the world and mayan calendar.

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