Advantages of web hosting service in India
Web hosting India services gives the website company an exclusive platform to access through the World Wide Web. Hosting services offers space to the companies on the internet server to run their website. Hosting services can either be owned or rented. Companies, which offer hosting services, are known as web hosts companies.
Hosting services by the company are generally offered by an internet access plan. However different hosting companies offered different plan. Some offer free service and some offer paid service.
The understanding of web hosting:
When a website company began it search for choosing the appropriate web hosting services for its company, several things, which should be, consider are- Your database server software, scripting software and operating system.
The services offered by web hosting company are very vast. The very basic can be classified into two categories-
1. Web page hosting
2. Small scale file hosting
The price of web hosting differs depending upon the type of Website Company, which needs hosting services. For instance- Generally there are two kind of website, which needs to be hosted firstly personal, secondly Business.
Personal website has a very low budget and therefore sometimes hosting company, offers its services in free. However, Business website has comparatively higher budget.
Let’s discuss the type of hosting services in India and its benefits
Hosting services in free-
The free hosting service is offered by very limited company, their services are also very limited. They are supported by various advertisements.
Shared web hosting service-
Under this service, various web sites are placed under one server. This is most cost-effective type of web hosting service.
Dedicated hosting service- Under this service, the website user is the sole user of the server, unlike to shared hosting. Dedicated service can be self owned and rented as well.
Manage or unmanaged is another kind of hosting service where the customer himself is responsible for the maintenance and security of the server.
VPS (virtual dedicated server) – Under this service, the server is break down into several parts and is allotted to different users. The user has control over its virtual server. It is also known as mini dedicated hosting service.
Collocating web hosting- This service is very similar to dedicated hosting service .This is a very high budget service, wherein both, website user and the host is in possession of colo server.
Clustered web hosting service-Clustered web hosting service is the best solution when there is scalable web hosting service.
There are great advantages of web hosting services in India. Choosing the appropriate web hosting service for your company is very important. Now days you can get number of choices for the hosting services, choose the service, which meets best to your company requirements.