Pattern of CAT Exam
“The CAT exam tests students on broadly six areas of knowledge as verbal ability, reading comprehension, quantitative aptitude, data interpretation, data sufficiency and analytical reasoning. It has evolved over the years, moving from the calculations intensity, speed oriented paper in the 1990s to the short, conceptual paper in 2010s. The time allotted to solve the paper has increased from 2 to 2 and half hour but the number of question have decreased from a high of 190 to 75.
Some tips before attempting the CAT exam is have a good night sleep before the exam date. Have a light breakfast, don’t go empty stomach. Check your pen, pencils, eraser, and sharpener and admit card. You should have visited your examination center at least a day before. Reach the examination center at least 1 hour earlier. Keep cool don’t panic; fill in your details carefully on your OMR sheet. Read the directions carefully written on the test paper after it is given to you. Go with an open mind do not have any pre conceived notion about the kind of test paper. Decide your strategy once you have gone through the direction carefully and scanned the paper. Scan each section before answering a question. Do not get stuck on any one question have no ego problems leave the question if it is taking a long time. If you feel that you are not doing well in the paper, do not panic, it is possible that the paper is difficult not just for you but for everybody.
The necessary factor for getting success is not to get depressed by complex and difficult question. After deeply analyze the question and reading it carefully you get a clue to answer the question or at least you can start the question. You are not looking to get a prize for cracking the toughest question. The aspirant must focus for giving maximum number of question correctly. If the aspirant spends too much time on answering a single question, you will lose the time and opportunity to answer some very easy questions. During the preparation of common entrance exam the candidate should look at monetary requirements, college’s details, college rank, faculty academics, placement activities, college in social news, and infrastructure and hostel facility of the college. The students who are preparing for CAT have to give at least one year of dedicated preparation for cracking the exam. Best of luck to all MBA aspirants in India and abroad.”
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