What You Need To Know About An Underwater Welding Profession

Should you be looking to get a high paying, much needed profession, underwater welding could be the right choice for you. A mix of skills are essential for being an underwater welder. To assist you starting a career as underwater welder, the American Welding Socienty (AWS) gives hints on their web site including a lot of information about this job.

Let’s take a look at a number of the skills you will need to have to become an underwater welder. First you have to be both a licensed welder and a commercial diver. Being a good diver and welder is very important and you should be able to adhere to the extra rigid safety standards for this job. Most people are unaware of it but you will spend much of your time in preparation of the welding task and not the welding activity itself.

If you’re interested in succeeding as an underwater welder, you can attend one of the many local commercial diving schools. Make sure that you will get a recognized certificate upon completion to start as a commercial diver. This really is essential to get a job as underwater welder afterwards. Your certification will be completed by a physical diving and written exam in the school to demonstrate that you have mastered the necessary skills. You can obtain a list of diving schools from The Association of Commercial Diving Education by writing the Association of Diving Contractors -ADC-, 2611 FM 1960 W., Suite F204, and Houston, Texas 77068. Give them a call at (713) 893-8388 or fax them (713) 893-5118. After completing the course a person should have a good idea whether or not they are comfortable under the water and would like to continue in the field of underwater welding. Many commercial diving companies that do offer underwater welding will be thankful to take you on board if you would like to continue after obtaining your certification. Get your resume together and apply.

Taking your first job will most probably mean that you will have to undergo further qualification to deepen your skills and knowledge. Check with the company during your job interview what expectations they have and training they could offer. Generally speaking you can make a lot more money if you have taken some time to further train on the job after starting out.

Some people are already commercial divers when they become interested, which then requires welding training. It’s also a good idea to be in peak physical condition since underwater welding can be demanding. You will do the job better if you are in good shape.

If you are asking yourself how easy or hard it is to get a job as underwater welder, you can be certain of this: As with most welding jobs the need for skilled workers is usually higher than for other workers in construction or manufacturing. As you gain experience the more job opportunities will become available to you, and as your reputation in underwater welding grows, the more wanted you will be. You possibly can earn a 6-digit income per year as an underwater welder if you’re willed to travel or to take the more difficult jobs. Constant learning and additional certifications are key if you want to be successful in this job that brings welding and diving together.

If you think about one of the numerous welding careers for yourself, take the time and inform yourself a bit on the web and ring a nearby welding schools to learn more. A satisfying career is expecting you.

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